Thursday, December 31, 2009
Medicare rationing has begun
In an unbelievable directive, the CMS blithely declared, upon what authority, who knows, that ANY re-admission to a hospital within 30 days of a discharge will not be all! This holds true, NO MATTER what the cause of re-admission.
Assume you are on Medicare, and just got discharged after a bout of pneumonia. On the way home, you are hit by a runaway bus, and are taken back to the hospital, where you are operated on for a broken femur, a collapsed lung, and spend 2 days in Intensive Care. The hospital will recieve for the care exactly NOTHING.
If you are unable to see how many ways this insane directive rations and negatively affects the quality of healthcare, you can probably qualify as a passenger screener at Schipol Airport. What is so cute about the directive is the fact that your Government is not RATIONING health care, they are forcing the medical facilities to do it for them in order to survive!
This is just the another salvo in the attack on the entire Medical Profession under the oh-so concerned-about-the-QUALITY-of-health-care-Socialists.There will be many more if the Government can further and further insinuateitself into the fabric of Amarican Medicine.
Pray for the Republic
Suggested Reading for today: "Liberal Fascism", by Goldberg
Happy New Year, Avagadro602
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Obama's Interpol Deceit:
The alteration done by BO was to an Executive Order of President Reagan that DID NOT give the Interpol superiority over US law. Reagan did this in 1982 or 83.
What was BO thinking, to do this, silently, with no press in attendance? I suspect I know. If Interpol can come in unrestricted, how about UN"Peacekeeping"troops. Remember, Saul Alinsky, in "Rules for Radicals", suggested that crises were something to be used by the Marxist leftists. Bill Ayres and the Weather Underground realized many years ago that a Marxist takeover of the US would require the "loss" of several million hard-core capitalists. American Soldiers are not about to cooperate with totalitarian citizen control, but UN Troops, and Interpol???
Excuse me for thinking the worst of BO. but the guy has only shown the worst! He is out of Orwell's "1984", What he says is the OPPOSITE of the truth. We must work to elect conservative patriotic legislators. If we cannot do this, our Republic will become another dull gray country with a citizenry of slaves to the "managing class".
Please resolve to work for the Republic. Good talking points are on American . Time is running out. 2010 will be the bellwether for freedom versus socialist afraid, be very afraid.
Pray for the Republic
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Victory or Death! The Greatness of Newt!
Monday, December 28, 2009
End of the year Rant
I for one don't want to see this continue to happen in 2010. We the people must examine where we are today as a country and stand up for American values. I'm writing about the type of values that would make your grandparents happy. I'm not talking values of the current Baby-boomers. Why? Because they are leading us to ruin.
We are in a time where the nation is fixated on Reality TV and wondering what the fools that are at the center of the show are going to do next. Why? Are We the People too lazy to look for ourselves and see that while we sit fixated on the train wreck on our TV's, our power greedy politicians are stealing the rest of our county. Furthermore; When a daytime talk show host's endorsement, lets call her Oprah, can help swing a vote: this nation has problems. I say we are sheep being led to slaughter by the leftist media.
In 2010 We the People need to wake up. The few of us that get it, need to help in the process by influencing the confused. We need to make sure that the power-hungry politicians know that they will be up for re-election and we have great memories. They need to know that they will be in the unemployment line for selling out our country in exchange for their personal gain.
I'm attaching a link to a Climate Neutral Scientist' lecture on Climate Change. It is worth watching:
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Shady Nebraska gift may be unwrapped!
It's time America flushed! Clean out Congress and the Senate!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Season of Forgiveness and Hope
Would Ben Nelson be more like Judas or Roxanne?
Here's a link to the Omaha World Herald where they tell us good ol'e Ben is getting an earful. In the spirit of Christ this holiday season, he also reminds me of another Biblical figure. Enjoy your silver Judas.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Don't Cry for me, America

With the Harry Reid proclaiming that the Senate has the required 60 votes to pass their Socialized Medicine Healthcare Bill they are proclaiming victory.
Here's a link to an article on a blog that has a brief history about the economic decline of Argentina. It has a lot of great pictures.
Can you name any good exports from Argentina besides Steak Houses?
Don't Cry for me, America!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Bart Gordon Announces Retirement!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Instead of talking about it; let's do something about it...
From: Dr. William Dutton, Chairman, Seeds of Freedom activists
I was thrilled to see your passion hating the socialist’s systematic march to destroy our children and grandchildren’s future in favor of an Orwellian Fascist-Socialist state. I was doubly thrilled to hear that much of your SS class had similar feelings. The Socialist-Democrats…Pelosi, Reid, with the help of Tennessee’s feckless Democrat Representatives, have thrown the “old folks” under the bus. Medicare is to be un-funded, and much altered, about a Trillion dollars over 10 years.
I want to start a “Silver Eagles” activist club as part of my “Seeds of Freedom” group. You and other like minded folks can be very instrumental in ridding the state of the further and further leftist Congressmen* , and if needs be, Senators. You can make phone calls, get out the vote, register voters, and take folks to the polls! Oldsters are going to be very negatively affected by the new Bill if it passes, and we are being IGNORED!
We will at some time, have a calling list to contact, and if each of us calls just a few folks each, we can affect the 2010, and 2012 elections. This USA may not be able to survive much more Obama-Reid-Pelosi Liberal Fascism.
Please get a team together, gird your loins (whatever that means), and lets come out swinging….lots better than sitting on our hands and complaining. Be a Patriot, we’ve got to be the “Greatest Generation” again. This Republic is under attack! There will be little left for our Grandchildren and Great-Grands.
Contact me at to get on board. Also, look into our” Seeds of Freedom” website. USE THE TOP BAR. Go to The site will give you plenty of reason to become an activist (Silver Eagle).
Dr. William Dutton,
Dec. 2009
* Bart Gordon, Jim Cooper, Lincoln Davis (we didn’t leave the Democrats, they left us!!)
Special Thanks to Gary Henrich...
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Little Current Event Humor
Remember Pearl Harbor
Keep this in mind as our Navy Seals are being court marshaled today for the alleged rough treatment of a terrorist.
Here's another email I received that I have not fact checked. However, it looks like it has merit:
Monday October 12, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Moochers to the left of me...
This weeks latest debacle seems to be centered around failed economic recovery policy of the current administration. It appears that the current administration is forced to admit that the government can't create jobs in the private sector. They discover this only after they tripled our national debt. When we have the Chinese Communist telling us how to be capitalist; Houston, we have a problem!
Naturally there should be a push away from any idea this administration/political party presents. Fortunately, there is a beam of hope on the horizon. Some of the world is awakening to what we conservatives have know all along. MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING IS B.S. That's right it is all Bravo Sierra. It is a farce. The only thing positive about it is that we know who the weak minded and easily influential people are. At the top echelons, there is less clarity in understanding between the weak and the just plain thieving power hungry.
Here's an article on what looks like people waking up: .
Here's a piece worth watching from The Washington Independant on Trialing our terrorist on the US soil:
Has anyone noticed the price of gas lately? No, not the mass media. Why, because they don't have a President that can be blamed for it. Now, what can we do? Make sure that there is a solid conservative running for re-election.
Finally, here's a couple of links to help in forgetting politics:
BCS final results:
Click this for: a great editorial from Bob Schieffer at CBS News
Thanks for reading,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Cloward and Piven Committed Socialists...Does this ring familiar?
Cloward and Piven were Columbia University Sociologists, committed Socialists.
A strategy to hasten* the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands for welfare and services. This in all done through Community Activists and organizers, many of whom are paid with your tax dollars.
Published in 1966 in the May issue of The Nation. Article entitled “A Strategy to End Poverty”.
Socialism is the goal.
ACORN, SEIU, NWRO(National Welfare Rights Organization), George Soros’ open society Institute, Democrat extention of unemployment, are but a few initiatives dedicated to this strategy. Do you see how close this is to Obama?
The (in)famous Saul Alinsky, writer of “Rules for Radicals” was a devotee of the Cloward and Piven strategy.
The above is great talking point material when discussing the politics of BO. The typically fact-clueless liberal will have to resort to blathering about classical music or fine art!
Be aggressive, in the name of Freedom!!
Note please, This is not a “conspiracy” issue, this is very real, and is actively being worked by the committed Socialist element of the Left. Your Democrat Rep may not even know that he or she is being a “useful idiot” in a march to Marx. It’s our job to educate them!
*hasten, presumably used since progressives presume socialism is woked so well in E.Germany, Cuba, and Russia.