Friday, April 9, 2010

Who We Are and What We Stand For

“Seeds of Freedom” Club, Group, Team

The Seeds of Freedom was formed in the spring of 2009 by a small group of Patriots, weary of simply moaning about the Progressive(socialist, statist, collectivist) direction that the Obama team was steering the country in. “Seeds” is comprised of members who are fiercely dedicated to fiscal conservatism, constitutional integrity, and Judeo- Christian morals. We are, as a group, non-partisan, and regret that recent socialist-statist victories by the Democrats were enabled by weak GOP positions on fiscal conservatism in the GOP’s last administration, and a very weak GOP conservative candidate for president. We are in alignment with the principles of the “tea-party” movement back to smaller, less intrusive government, state’s rights, personal responsibility, and a return to Constitutional values.

We feel the media has such overwhelming liberal bias that Americans are not able to see negative results of statism, nor to get enough information to make fair decisions regarding unrealistic and irresponsible liberal economics, policies, and the welfare state. It is this bias that allows liberal politicians to slither past election challenges, and surprisingly be re-elected in truly conservative areas. This is why we need(thousands of) groups like “Seeds of Freedom”.

We are not a “PAC”, and we have no Dues to participate. We have no interest in a “Third Party”, and are not Libertarians. We are listed as an organization, and have no Tax consequences. Our meetings are optional and there is no admission fee, no financial requests. We wish to spread the light of conservatism one-on-one, and reveal the liberal-progressive-statist hipocracies one fact at a time. Our meetings are a friendly mix of the above. Political candidates speak to us, and we will ultimately put our time and perhaps some of our fortune behind them. We plan to mount a phone campaign for the candidates we feel will support a fresh, honest conservatism. Each member will be asked to make a few calls in favor of the NEW conservative candidates.

Liberals spreading race-baiting racism, class warfare, income re-distribution, tax and spend, and 1st and 2nd Amendment destruction MUST BE FIRED to save the Republic. The good people of Cuba and Venezuela know we do not want what Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Waxman, Sanders, Soros and Kucinich have in mind for us.

If you wish to join us in the good fight, send me an e-mail. I will reply and invite you to a meeting(Sunday afternoon, monthly), and place you on the rolls for e-mail announcements, if you wish.

Pray for the Republic


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