Chile is hit by 8.8 quake only a few weeks after Haiti.
Your neighbor, whose yard sign politics never agreed with yours, house has just burned down.
Although your income is sustantial, you've kids in college, a big mortgage, and no excess cash. In fact, you owe $123,000 in unsecured loan debt to Guido for gambling debt.
What to do? Do you:
1. Volunteeer to help with meals, clothing, clean up.
2. Keep the dog, who survived with the family.
3. Loan them your old car till they can replace the one that burned.
4. Offer a bedroom till lodging arrangements can be made.
5. Oh, to hell with the Progressive bastard.
Our administration has chosen #6 for you and I and our kids and grandkids to make up. God only knows how much $$$ will be borrowed OR printed to send to Chile and Haiti.
Common sense is not so common!
Pray for the Republic..the inmates are running the Asylum!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Snow Blowers and Communists

I saw this picture and immediately asked myself: Since Scott Brown won the Massachusetts' Senate seat; do you think Teddy has purchased a snow blower for his new place yet?
This is from my Bud Sean in Texas:
I attend a luncheon every Wednesday where vendors like myself buy lunch for a large group of engineers from some of the local companies. More and more the luncheon is becoming more like a "soup kitchen" as the out of work engineers come in to have a free lunch and look for news of companies hiring. Afterwards I was sitting and talking with a select group of people which consisted of an engineer who immigrated to the US from Lebanon in the late 50's (OSU Grad), a salesman who was an infantry officer in Vietnam and my partner who was a Marine.
The immigrant made the statement that he had never seen America this down since the 70's and he thought it was worse in many ways today because it looks like most people had lost the will to fight. He is convinced that Obama is a socialist and is making policy decisions with the intent of wearing down the American spirit to the point that they will accept anything the government has to offer.
The former infantry officer spoke about his time in leadership school with the military back in the late 50's/early 60's, when they were taught about the future projections of US and USSR systems. According to him his military instructors actually taught that as time moved forward the students would see the US move towards Communism and the USSR move towards democracy, the reason for both was the power and greed concentrated in the hands of the political elite. For the citizens of the USSR you would see the people rebel against the government due to the years of corruption that pushed the people down so the government could maintain control. For the US the move towards Communism would be due to the political elite trying to maintain the power and money that comes with being in the Congress, corruption and greed would cause our elected representatives to pass laws and regulations that would empower the government over the people.
Interesting conversations with these gentlemen.
I attend a luncheon every Wednesday where vendors like myself buy lunch for a large group of engineers from some of the local companies. More and more the luncheon is becoming more like a "soup kitchen" as the out of work engineers come in to have a free lunch and look for news of companies hiring. Afterwards I was sitting and talking with a select group of people which consisted of an engineer who immigrated to the US from Lebanon in the late 50's (OSU Grad), a salesman who was an infantry officer in Vietnam and my partner who was a Marine.
The immigrant made the statement that he had never seen America this down since the 70's and he thought it was worse in many ways today because it looks like most people had lost the will to fight. He is convinced that Obama is a socialist and is making policy decisions with the intent of wearing down the American spirit to the point that they will accept anything the government has to offer.
The former infantry officer spoke about his time in leadership school with the military back in the late 50's/early 60's, when they were taught about the future projections of US and USSR systems. According to him his military instructors actually taught that as time moved forward the students would see the US move towards Communism and the USSR move towards democracy, the reason for both was the power and greed concentrated in the hands of the political elite. For the citizens of the USSR you would see the people rebel against the government due to the years of corruption that pushed the people down so the government could maintain control. For the US the move towards Communism would be due to the political elite trying to maintain the power and money that comes with being in the Congress, corruption and greed would cause our elected representatives to pass laws and regulations that would empower the government over the people.
Interesting conversations with these gentlemen.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Carbon Dioxide Flash
Just read the great blog about Al Gore's coastal property. One slight correction is needed tho. Carbon dioxide is very much NOT an inert gas. It is the essential compound that allows green plants to accomplish the miraculous process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS! This process takes CO2 from the air, and with the help of CHLOROPHIL makes sugars and the plant grows, and we can EAT. Oh, a by product of this process is O2, and we can BREATHE.
There would be NO green earth, and NO live humans without CO2!
There, I've said it....pass it on...exhale deeply..your plants will love ya for it!
There would be NO green earth, and NO live humans without CO2!
There, I've said it....pass it on...exhale deeply..your plants will love ya for it!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hey Al Gore can I borrow your snow shovel?
I'm working on the computer this morning because all my appointments have been canceled for the day. I'm not complaining because I am a little tired from painting most of the day yesterday. How does this relate to Al Gore and his snow shovel you may ask? Well, I usually try to spend a lot of time on my bike during the week and especially on the weekends. Tennessee is experiencing a very cold and wet winter. As a result, I haven't been able to get on my bike outdoors and have been compelled to do more home improvement projects. As a result of my project this weekend, I was up late last night finishing. Therefore, I'm a little tired today. Hence, I'm not complaining about a lighter day at work.
Since we have ice and snow on the ground and a lot of people here aren't used to driving on it, the city slows down. Interstate 40, which crosses the state, is currently shut down east of Nashville. My second appointment of the day was... you guessed it... also east of Nashville. Therefore, I'm home. My first appointment was canceled because of weather as well.
Now why not make fun of Al Gore and his bogus claim of man-made global warming soon to be called climate change? I believe he is behind this to profiteer. Why, because as I understand it; he has purchased an ocean-side home in California. According to a claim about polar icecaps melting, his new home should be under water in just a few short years. So he's either really good at waterproofing or he is full of it. You decide.
Here's my theory; we can damage the environment. We can pollute all day long. However, we are a grain of sand on a beach when compared to the forces of nature. I don't believe in man-made global warming. I think it is a hoax by a leftist politician seeking to redistribute wealth by taxing an inert gas that occurs freely in nature.
I enjoy the outdoors and wish to continue doing so. I am in support of keeping the environment clean. However, when a politician pushes a self-promoting cause which provides him with ill-gotten gains based on junk science, I draw the line. You see, the scientist receive grants to study this. So by claiming there is a problem, they are creating jobs for themselves. This is criminal when we the taxpayer are funding this.
The leftist media won't show you this but I will... Here's a link to an article on one of the Pro-Global Warming Scientist renouncing his work: Phil Jones Backtrack.
Keep the pressure on expose these wealth redistributing scum for what they are: Two-Bit Snake Oil Salesmen.
Since we have ice and snow on the ground and a lot of people here aren't used to driving on it, the city slows down. Interstate 40, which crosses the state, is currently shut down east of Nashville. My second appointment of the day was... you guessed it... also east of Nashville. Therefore, I'm home. My first appointment was canceled because of weather as well.
Now why not make fun of Al Gore and his bogus claim of man-made global warming soon to be called climate change? I believe he is behind this to profiteer. Why, because as I understand it; he has purchased an ocean-side home in California. According to a claim about polar icecaps melting, his new home should be under water in just a few short years. So he's either really good at waterproofing or he is full of it. You decide.
Here's my theory; we can damage the environment. We can pollute all day long. However, we are a grain of sand on a beach when compared to the forces of nature. I don't believe in man-made global warming. I think it is a hoax by a leftist politician seeking to redistribute wealth by taxing an inert gas that occurs freely in nature.
I enjoy the outdoors and wish to continue doing so. I am in support of keeping the environment clean. However, when a politician pushes a self-promoting cause which provides him with ill-gotten gains based on junk science, I draw the line. You see, the scientist receive grants to study this. So by claiming there is a problem, they are creating jobs for themselves. This is criminal when we the taxpayer are funding this.
The leftist media won't show you this but I will... Here's a link to an article on one of the Pro-Global Warming Scientist renouncing his work: Phil Jones Backtrack.
Keep the pressure on expose these wealth redistributing scum for what they are: Two-Bit Snake Oil Salesmen.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Willing Suspension of Disbelief, Obama Style
The great poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge coined the term "willing suspension of disbelief" to characterize a state of mind conducive to the full enjoyment of performance art, whether written or acted. This allows fantastic acts or scenarios to exist which normally, the rational mind would reject as absurd, impossible, or irrational.
One who views the Congress' and the medias' reaction to what is unfolding from the WH should marvel at the degree of suspension of disbelief that is occuring.
1. The POTUS fills the WH with far left progressives and claims political center.
2. The POTUS claims "transparency" in Bill making.
3. The POTUS names 32"Czars", and claims "I am not a Bolshevic".
4. The POTUS claims 2,000,000 jobs created.
5. Every act of this POTUS favors bigger and bigger Federal control over our lives.
6. Every act of this POTUS can be seen to be derived from either the "Rules for Radicals" playbook of Saul Alinsky, or from the Cloward and Piven Strategy(see archives, 2009) .
7. The POTUS has favored UN policy that degrades US Constitutional soverignty.
8. Cap and Trade, Obamacare, Card Check all involve sacrifices of US citizens' freedoms and dollars.
9. Wholesale degradation of our currency is ongoing, andwe are BORROWING money to GIVE AWAY!
10. Everybody is paying higher taxes of one type or another.
11. Terrorist trials by US civilian court in NYC at a cost of a billion dollars could make sense.
Wholesale "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" has to be in effect here among both Democrats and media, and from any party that is not screaming "Wake up, this is not a Play!"
Pray for the Republic
One who views the Congress' and the medias' reaction to what is unfolding from the WH should marvel at the degree of suspension of disbelief that is occuring.
1. The POTUS fills the WH with far left progressives and claims political center.
2. The POTUS claims "transparency" in Bill making.
3. The POTUS names 32"Czars", and claims "I am not a Bolshevic".
4. The POTUS claims 2,000,000 jobs created.
5. Every act of this POTUS favors bigger and bigger Federal control over our lives.
6. Every act of this POTUS can be seen to be derived from either the "Rules for Radicals" playbook of Saul Alinsky, or from the Cloward and Piven Strategy(see archives, 2009) .
7. The POTUS has favored UN policy that degrades US Constitutional soverignty.
8. Cap and Trade, Obamacare, Card Check all involve sacrifices of US citizens' freedoms and dollars.
9. Wholesale degradation of our currency is ongoing, andwe are BORROWING money to GIVE AWAY!
10. Everybody is paying higher taxes of one type or another.
11. Terrorist trials by US civilian court in NYC at a cost of a billion dollars could make sense.
Wholesale "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" has to be in effect here among both Democrats and media, and from any party that is not screaming "Wake up, this is not a Play!"
Pray for the Republic
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