HEY, I EARLY VOTED; DID YOU? You may have noticed the new header above. Socialism Kills... This is available in bumper sticker form from Dr Dutton and I believe Lonnie Spivak had his hands in it as well. You may recognize Lonnie as one of the candidates for congress in Tennessee's 5th District. I have met Lonnie several times and must say that I like what I see. He is for limited government, reduction of taxes, and not a huge supporter of political correctness. He also seems to be at every conservative rally. I don't speak for the entire Seeds of Freedom group but I sure hope we get Lonnie and other people in office to help stop the destruction of America.
How to fix America:
Step One - Vote out incumbent, Over-Termed, Government Resource Sucking Politician
Step Two - Flush
Step Three - Replace with a Servant of The People
Step Four - Make sure the Servant from Step Three Knows that We Will Repeat Step One as Necessary.
Lonnie's Web site: