This has some great points!
Subj: Congressional Term Limits - An urgent cause!
As one of our leading Conservative writers [or whatever applies], you are getting this in the hope that you or your staff may be able to help an urgent cause. I believe that the Founding Fathers have been abandoned and that we MUST get back to a Citizen-run government and not one run by career politicians or our nation is doomed.
In order to create a Citizen-run Congress I think we MUST ratify an amendment to the US Constitution which:
* Limits the time that members of Congress may serve
* Prohibits them from having their "Cadillac" pension rights
* Requires them to participate in Social Security, IRA's, 401(k)'s, etc.
* Prohibits them from having their "Cadillac" health care plans
* Prohibits them from exempting themselves from legislation
* Prohibits them from EVER participating in lobbying activities after being in Congress
Yes, I know Jim DeMint (one of my heroes) introduced a term limit amendment in 2009. And, yes, I know that several other organizations have fleshed out amendment proposals. I have read them all and, frankly, I don't think they go far enough. We can reasonably debate the finer points of the limit on time of service, but I feel we must take advantage of the citizen fervor building right now to build a state-by-state movement to get something like my amendment in the Constitution.
Please go to my website and review it:
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.
Kit Williams
Nashville TN USA