Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Sign of Things to Come?

Special Report from J. Webb...

Pharmacy Giant Walgreens is said to have made a decision to stop taking Medicaid patients at 121 of it's stores. The company has apparently stated that it is less than break-even with 95% of it's brand name medications.

Let's take this train of thought to the next level: Imagine if our countries doctors decide to stop taking Medicaid. They don't work for free. They need to be profitable. By creating socialized medicine we are expanding the number of people covered who are currently not paying into the system and paying for it with the same amount of money. This equation does not work. The government will have to either tax us more or cut costs elsewhere... Reducing reimbursement to the health care providers. The Doctors could be the next group to stop accepting Medicaid.

If our current administration has it's way, this could be a reality. Essentially, the Progressive Left would like to have a state run health care system. Their proposal is not about health care at all. It is about power. Specifically the ability to wield power. They realize that they can control retirement benefits and therefore control a lot of Union power. They realize that they can set limits on care and the public will be at their mercy. They essentially are permanently buying votes.

It reminds me of our current education system. Where I live there are a few good public schools. They happen to be in the conservative county next to mine. If you are in my county, you have no choice but to pay taxes which go to the lack-luster schools and send your children to private schools anyway.

Can you say two tier health care system? A system where you have to have secondary insurance and a system where health care providers will only take profitable insurance. I wonder if we should be asking for health care vouchers now? WOW thanks Comrades Pelosi, Reid, and Obama.

Fox on Walgreens

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