Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Seeds of Freedom" April Meeting Notes

At our last "Seeds of Freedom" meeting, Sunday, 18 April, at Nero's in Green Hills,(if you are reading this blog,and are a fiscally conservative legal American, you are welcome at our meetings)it was suggested that highlights of the meeting be shared on this site. This is the first sharing post.Facts in the highlights are accurate,snide,cynical,sarcastic comments, adverbs, and adjectives are mine..poetic license of sorts.

We were very pleased to hear from several conservative candidates for office, to be described in a moment.First, let me comment on how critical it is at this moment in time, to elect ONLY fiscal conservatives.

The year 2010 is a census year. Tennessee is going to be able to adjust and re-apportion it's representative districting. All of the current districting was done after reconstruction, and under total Democratic(liberal) control...can you spell Gerrymander. If the good guys(conservatives) win, and control the congress AND the State House, the districting can be much more fairly drawn.

Please consider supporting the following in the primary(my personal choices, blog back and argue if you disagree.)Remember, all politics is LOCAL!

Dr. Steve Dickerson: Young, cerebral, articulate. Great thinker on many levels, and a trustworthy fiscal conservative. running against the ancient state senator Doug Henry. Henry is a nice Democrat that can be expected to come down on the liberal side of tax, be soft on illegal immigration, and 2nd amendment issues. We need a convervative in this seat, and Henry may be beatable this year. Go Steve..he needs money!

Councilman Eric Crafton: Worked to get a fair English only bill passed in Metro. It was vetoed by a Democrat Mayor. Impressively educated,(Masters degrss from Vanderbilt) dedicated to bringing excellence to a department woefully run by Vic(bathrobe)Lineweaver. Crafton is going to go far, and is only now starting! We were all impressed with Eric. He needs money. I predict Eric will be our Mayor at some time in the future.

Charles Williamson, Entrepeneur and buffalo farmer: This splendid example of the way America should work cashed in his assets and folowed his dream...a successful buffalo farmer...damn, I am impressed! Charles is a mountain of a guy, running against a certain weevil, Mike Turner, for the 51st State House seat. Mike, you may recall is the weevil who, with Sen Cohen of Memphis, was loudly proclaiming that if you opposed the disgusting Obamacare bill, you are a racist. Also, he's a friend of a state tax, and favoring drivers licenses for illegals. We have got to get this weevil out of office! If you help ANYBODY, help Charles Williamson, he needs the help, as Turner has Union and Demo.Party funds.

Lonnie Spivac: A solid "tea party" conservative. On Lonnie's promo-card, just above the classic GOP elephant is the word "NEW", and that says a lot! Lonnie is running against the dastardly imitation "blue-dog" Democrat Jim Cooper for Representative in the Nashville(7th)district. I have seen Lonnie at every conservative gathering I've been to.Lonnie is the real deal in my humble opinion. He definately needs funds to fight. Cooper's district is one of those Gerrymandered districts that favors the liberal candidate.

Chuck Self is going to bring a phone-call list to our meeting so we can get on the phone and help our candidates.

Bill Haslam has agreed to speak to our group, time TBA.

Remember the words of Edmund Burke, ca.1776 "All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing".

Next meeting, Nero's, Green Hills, May 23rd, 5:00PM

Pray for the Republic

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