Monday, October 28, 2013

Know-Nothing President

Listening to the news this morning over coffee. Hearing about the latest thing our President did not know about, the phone taps on Heads of State in France, Germany, Spain. Of course, we have already been told that Obama did not know anything about the government gun-running operation "Fast and Furious". Then the there was that unfortunate situation in Benghazi that he did not know anything about, and the IRS government boot on the neck of the Tea-Partiers, just as elections were heating up, that he knew  nothing about. Oh yeah, then there is the 600 million dollar glitch is the Obama-Care on-line registration that the President did not see coming down the road. (You might have given up a round of golf to get that briefing.)
I bet that Obama cannot "see" Iran getting a nuclear bomb, that he cannot "see" Israel being vaporized. I bet that Obama cannot "see" the entire Middle East falling to radical Islam.

I have news for you, Mr. President, what you don't know or care to know can hurt us! Either you are the most inept, ill-informed US president in history, or you are a liar and a deceiver. Either is an indictment of your leadership. Sorry, it is hard to see it any other way.

As for your fans, the only way it makes sense to me that reasonable people can support your direction is that they are hypnotized in what S.T. Coleridge, 19th century poet called " willing suspension of disbelief",  they are obligate socialists, or are chronically ill-informed by a biased media, regarding your imperious rule.

The problem with most progressives is "the do not know what they do not know.


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