Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How to Kill 11 million People

Last week, Harry Reid, from the podium of the most powerful body of the most powerful country in the world, looked into the camera, and spoke into the microphone of the US Senate, statements that he KNEW were  lies, that all claims of suffering under Obamacare were simply lies.

The same week, Nancy Pelosi spoke from the podium of the US House of Representatives, statements that she new were lies about the Republican Party, and the tea party.

Mr. Obama has repeatedly lied about the Affordable Care Act(Obamacare). The president seems capable of saying ANYTHING he needs to in order to sway opinion in his favor. "You can keep your healthcare plan..period!!" is one of his biggest lies.

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, knowingly told, and allowed to be told, a WHOPPER about the Benghazi murders by terrorists in Libya, blaming them on a movie.

Attorney General Holder lied about his and the WH's knowledge of the horrible misguided and deadly "Fast and Furious" debacle. When finally backed into a corner to tell the truth, he had to be saved with Obama's "Executive Privilege" gambit.

Lois Lerner of the IRS Has lied by declaring innocense, and immediately taking "The Fifth".

Stunning silence on the part of the MSM , press, and television has been the response. Silence is all we have recieved. The only reportage of significance has been on a cable TV station that has been criticized publicly by the above named liars. We the people are being kept uninformed by a press that is selectively reporting events as thier bias there allows them to ignore and not probe the many obvious lies that are shamelessly told to us.

Mr. Andy Andrews wrote, about 3 years ago, a little book titled: "How Do You Kill 11 Million People". The book was about how Hitler, and the Nazis, between 1933 and 1945 were able to exterminate 11 million Jews. The short answer YOU LIE TO THEM, with a complicit MEDIA. Of course part of those lies allowed weapons "registration and then confiscation" to occur, and a total lack of information as to what was happening to the Jews that "went away to work". In short, the trusting Jews were systematicly dumbed down and disarmed in the early years of the 3rd Reich. When the few remaining Jews finally realized what was really happening, thier heroism was too little-too late. A recent book by Iranian Jew Ari Babaknia, "Humanity, Not" is recommended to remind all of us that ignorance is not bliss. Also comes to mind the quote of Ben franklin(paraphrased), that "those who give up liberty in the name of security may soon have neither".

We the people are being lied to, dumbed down, and if certain folks have their way, disarmed. Is ther a message here??? We desparately need an infusion of honesty and unbiased reporting in this Republic.


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