Thursday, January 16, 2014

The New Fascism

A colleague of mine, who tends to be progressive, but who otherwise has always seemed to have good sense,  recently told me with emphatic conviction that the Tea-Party was a "bunch of anarchists". This colleague, clearly a victim of the misinformation activities of the liberal press, the liberal Democrats, and a few misguided Republicans, was simply parroting what he managed to hear between hockey games.
One is surprised by the certitude with which liberals are comfortable opining on issues they know nothing about. This colleague had no knowledge of either George Soros, or the work of Cloward and Pivens, nor of Mr. Hayek's " The Road to Serfdom".
A result of progressive policy that aims to create income equality is always a pure form of slavery, and progressive central planning to effect income equality inexorably becomes Socialism, as in the Germany of Hitler, or Fascism, as in the Italy of Mussolini. Misery is not lessened, but inevitably spreads, people die.
Mr Obama has declared war on the constitution, with "my pen and my phone" in yesterday's speech. The mainstream media is a necessary ally in this war, as an uninformed public is needed to achieve the deception required to be able to lie to the public at will. We have been witnessing this for 4 years now.
When is a lie not a lie? When the liars are protected by barriers that stifle and intimidate any outcry of protest. That scene is set using the intimidating label Racist, and now "anarchist",Tea-Partier,  and greedy capitalist.
Upon utterance of these key words, a willing press needs no coaxing to action. Witness the hoax that was scripted to injure the Tea Party when the Socialist-Democrats gave the "finger" to the whole country parading the Obama Care Bill around and lying that a racist tea-partier spat on one of them. Never confirmed on camera, breathlessly reported by the MSM. Even if it were to happen, I believe it would far more likely be an "agent provocateur", as has happened in past dust-ups.
There is so much that needs to be said. I now find myself able to do more of this, and more will follow. Please join the battle. Remember the words of Sir Edmund Burke, ca. 1775, "ALL THAT IS NEEDED FOR EVIL TO FLOURISH IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING"
