Remember the Tea-Party Tax Revolt initiative? It is what galvanized millions of peaceful, disgusted voters into a powerful, grass roots, non-partisan force. It was started in the winter-spring of 2009 in response to massive fiscal irresponsibility in Washington by BOTH parties, irresponsibly carried to new and stunning heights by the Obama led Congress, and his appointees. The wonderfulness of the movement was that it did NOT have a "political leader". We came together not to set forward a candidate, but to force forward certain principles...less government intrusion on our finances, our freedoms, our health, our guns, our habits. The "Nanny State" and it's taxes and intrusions were the target of the Tea-Party Protests.
At the big Tea-Party in DC, there were Democrats, Republicans, Independants, Libertarians, but there were NO Socialists or Marxists...the White House Cabinet stayed away and Obama went to Wisconsin. Between short speeches, the 1,000,000 plus crowd chanted "USA" "USA". Do you remember the backgroung chant as Scott Brown gave his victory speech. "USA" "USA". The united conservative electorate in Massachusetts demonstrated that enough is indeed enough! I am certain that the momentum of the Tea Party independents vote, added to the disgusted Democrats, and GOP votes, assured a win that may well have saved the Republic as we know it.
Fast forward to Nashville, February, 2010. Someone decides to hold a "Tea Party Convention". Maybe a good idea, maybe not. What felt good at first started to sour when suddenly the cost to attendees soars, and it is noted that the event has registered as "for profit". With that, the featured speakers that all us conservatives know and love, Bachmann and Palin suddenly find that there may be "some conflict"that prevents their coming, and I for one agree! Somebody got some 'splainin to do! The Tea Party movement should view any profiteering with a jaundiced eye. The Movement is too important and powerful a force for our Republic to allow itself to be misinterpreted or prostituted for profit.
Compounding the issue is a mortal fear from some elements of the GOP that a separate Party may evolve. The for-profit event in Nashville may inflame that fear, considering the fact that the expensive entry fee suggests big money. A recent open discussion that occured at a "Seeds of Freedom" meeting seemed to assuage that fear, at least in that very conservative but practical group, however, we all must gather together and COMBINE our strength, not squabble! The foe is a mortal threat to our Republic. Michelle Bachman recently stated it well....the GOP needs to join the Tea Party folks, there is no conflict. Likewise the Tea party(caps omitted on purpose) Patriots help the GOP.
Pray for the Republic
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Why the Government is Desperate for HealthcareReform:
I pulled out my last years W-2 to see exactly how much I was forced to contribute to Medicare: $802 of my dollars went to a program that is run by the same government that is bankrupting social security.
The problem with Medicare is that it is designed to fail. Let me explain. I'm going to use simple math to explain my calculations. I joined the professional workforce when I was 23. Before that, I still contributed to Medicare but I won't count the previous seven years. Note, I was still taxed for Medicare during those seven years. So if I retire at 65 I will have contributed for at least 42 years (504 months). If I take the $802 and divide it by 12 for a monthly contribution, I get $67. If I take 2% as a cost of capital or average return for my funds that the government will invest I get a whopping $52,853 to cover me for the rest of my life. $2,643 per year after age 65 assuming I live to 85. One surgery or one disease can wipe that all out. In other words, our system is designed to fail.
It should be perfectly clear that our Medicare insurance is supplemental. So, the people in Washington hopefully own a business calculator and can get someone to help them use it. They see that the system is not going to work, so they try to squeeze cost from the system. They start with the low hanging fruit: Doctors. Why, because they know that the public overall think that doctors are wealthy. Therefore when the evening news tells us that they are being paid 10% less, there is no sympathy.
The American people as a whole do not understand the system. The politicians, as a whole, do not understand the system. I spoke with one of the surgeons that I call on. He told me that he and his partners had an in-depth conversation with a local congresswoman. Both parties are conservative yet she wanted to keep pushing to cut Medicare spending. According to the doctor she did not understand that they were being paid from the Medicare dollars. She assumed that cutting spending in Washington was a great Conservative move. Well, it usually is unless you have a system that is nearly forcing the doctors to take the Medicare patients.
What can a doctor do? The easy answer is stop accepting Medicare. Is this a realistic solution? I can assume a lot of people would be upset if this happened. I deal with general surgeons and understand that the Medicare reimbursement on some of the most common procedures has remained constant for the past ten years. This means that they haven't had a raise in ten years. Note that they also pay their staff and overhead with this reimbursement. Expenses which are also rising because of inflation. So, would you want to go to work in a system that doesn't pay?
My whole point in this exercise is this: The representatives in congress and the senate and our executive branch do not have a clue. They do not have a solution for this any more than for social security. We are facing a huge problem. The only thing that is for sure is that it will get a lot worse before it gets better. Check out the related story from : Why Doctors Are Abandoning Medicare.
Have you stopped and thought about why the government is desperate for reforming healthcare? It is simple: they are trying to cover up a huge blunder in the system. This Social Security/Medicare system is based on entitlements. Entitlements are the politicians way of buying votes ergo power. They take from the producers and give to the moochers.
Think of it like this: If you are in a life boat that you paid for, with life jackets that you paid for; the politician is determining who gets the life jackets and asking you to purchase more. The doctors are starting to say: "We can't continue to produce the life jackets for this pay!"
You better learn how to swim!
The problem with Medicare is that it is designed to fail. Let me explain. I'm going to use simple math to explain my calculations. I joined the professional workforce when I was 23. Before that, I still contributed to Medicare but I won't count the previous seven years. Note, I was still taxed for Medicare during those seven years. So if I retire at 65 I will have contributed for at least 42 years (504 months). If I take the $802 and divide it by 12 for a monthly contribution, I get $67. If I take 2% as a cost of capital or average return for my funds that the government will invest I get a whopping $52,853 to cover me for the rest of my life. $2,643 per year after age 65 assuming I live to 85. One surgery or one disease can wipe that all out. In other words, our system is designed to fail.
It should be perfectly clear that our Medicare insurance is supplemental. So, the people in Washington hopefully own a business calculator and can get someone to help them use it. They see that the system is not going to work, so they try to squeeze cost from the system. They start with the low hanging fruit: Doctors. Why, because they know that the public overall think that doctors are wealthy. Therefore when the evening news tells us that they are being paid 10% less, there is no sympathy.
The American people as a whole do not understand the system. The politicians, as a whole, do not understand the system. I spoke with one of the surgeons that I call on. He told me that he and his partners had an in-depth conversation with a local congresswoman. Both parties are conservative yet she wanted to keep pushing to cut Medicare spending. According to the doctor she did not understand that they were being paid from the Medicare dollars. She assumed that cutting spending in Washington was a great Conservative move. Well, it usually is unless you have a system that is nearly forcing the doctors to take the Medicare patients.
What can a doctor do? The easy answer is stop accepting Medicare. Is this a realistic solution? I can assume a lot of people would be upset if this happened. I deal with general surgeons and understand that the Medicare reimbursement on some of the most common procedures has remained constant for the past ten years. This means that they haven't had a raise in ten years. Note that they also pay their staff and overhead with this reimbursement. Expenses which are also rising because of inflation. So, would you want to go to work in a system that doesn't pay?
My whole point in this exercise is this: The representatives in congress and the senate and our executive branch do not have a clue. They do not have a solution for this any more than for social security. We are facing a huge problem. The only thing that is for sure is that it will get a lot worse before it gets better. Check out the related story from : Why Doctors Are Abandoning Medicare.
Have you stopped and thought about why the government is desperate for reforming healthcare? It is simple: they are trying to cover up a huge blunder in the system. This Social Security/Medicare system is based on entitlements. Entitlements are the politicians way of buying votes ergo power. They take from the producers and give to the moochers.
Think of it like this: If you are in a life boat that you paid for, with life jackets that you paid for; the politician is determining who gets the life jackets and asking you to purchase more. The doctors are starting to say: "We can't continue to produce the life jackets for this pay!"
You better learn how to swim!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Pulling the Strings in Washington
My Texas bud Sean sent me this link from :
This is a link to a list of the top corporate Political Donors in America from the past 10 years. Notice who the heavy hitters are.
I imagine that when the Supreme court knocked down the Campaign Finance law last week both sides of the isle were breathing a sigh of relief. Personally, I don't care how much a corporation gives. I only care about the Character of the Characters that are receiving the money.
Now President Obama's administration has given a "No Bid" contract to a political donor. Reportedly the company gave at least $6,600. Frankly, the amount of the donation is irrelevant. What is of relevance is that the President stumped continually and even introduced a bill deriding "No Bid" government contracts.
The Story from FoxNews.Com:
Check out the transcript from a speech that (then) Senator Obama gave chastising President Bush:
Is there any end to this hypocrisy?
This is a link to a list of the top corporate Political Donors in America from the past 10 years. Notice who the heavy hitters are.
I imagine that when the Supreme court knocked down the Campaign Finance law last week both sides of the isle were breathing a sigh of relief. Personally, I don't care how much a corporation gives. I only care about the Character of the Characters that are receiving the money.
Now President Obama's administration has given a "No Bid" contract to a political donor. Reportedly the company gave at least $6,600. Frankly, the amount of the donation is irrelevant. What is of relevance is that the President stumped continually and even introduced a bill deriding "No Bid" government contracts.
The Story from FoxNews.Com:
Check out the transcript from a speech that (then) Senator Obama gave chastising President Bush:
Is there any end to this hypocrisy?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I never have them on my car but...

I never put bumper stickers on my car but I just saw this in a Lexus 430 and liked it. I believe more and more of the country is having the same feelings. What do you think?
You can find more here:
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
History Repeats
"By the rude bridge that arched the flood, to April's breeze, their flag unfurled, there once embattled farmers stood, and fired the shots heard round the world." The Battle of Concord, April 19, 1775, Concord, Massachusetts, generated the above prose by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
2010 Version:
"By the ballot that arched the flood, to winter's breeze, their flag unfurled, there once free capitalist Patriots stood, and cast the vote heard round the world." The Battle for Survival of the Republic, January 19, 2010, Massachusetts.
2010 Version:
"By the ballot that arched the flood, to winter's breeze, their flag unfurled, there once free capitalist Patriots stood, and cast the vote heard round the world." The Battle for Survival of the Republic, January 19, 2010, Massachusetts.
Quote of the Day or should I say Back in the Day
I took this off my good friend Sean's Facebook page. I'm not sure where he found it:
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be filled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome be bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance. - Cicero, 55 BC.
Here's a site for Free Faxes to Government Officials:
http://www.numbersusa.comMonday, January 18, 2010
Seeds of Freedom Meeting Notes
Our January meeting was unscripted but very informative.
We are in the process of creating a meeting content chairman who will help increase the quality of our meetings. We imagine the chair will be responsible for finding or having people find speakers.
We had some really good information shared about politics on state and federal levels.
On a State level:
We have a race with two Representative to the House. Mike Turner (D) is the Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.
We believe that Charles Williams a local conservative is running against him. We will keep you posted as we learn more about the candidates and the race.
We also have the Tennessee Gubernatorial Election on November 2, 2010. We will update the site with news on the candidates as we learn more.
On a Federal level:
If you are reading this blog, you probably know that Massachusetts has a special election for the seat which was previously occupied by Ted Kennedy. Scott Brown (R) is running against Martha Coakley (D). He is leading in most of the current polls. In Massachusetts, arguably our most liberal state; this should be an awakening. This will change the "filibuster proof" senate. This will also send a message to our current administration that we don't support socialist policies in America. (See post below). Here's a link to the Scott Brown website where you can pledge support:
With Bart Gordon throwing in the... Retiring, we now have to look for a way to replace Jim Cooper.
One of our members brought up a way we can help now. There is a huge need to have people be pole watchers. Here is a link to the site where we can learn how to help:
Here are some of the other sites mentioned in the meeting:
As always, we are looking for content on this site. Send us your thoughts!
If you are new to the site: We are a non-partisan group of people interested in Fiscal Conservatism and Responsibility from ALL of our elected officials.
We are in the process of creating a meeting content chairman who will help increase the quality of our meetings. We imagine the chair will be responsible for finding or having people find speakers.
We had some really good information shared about politics on state and federal levels.
On a State level:
We have a race with two Representative to the House. Mike Turner (D) is the Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.
We believe that Charles Williams a local conservative is running against him. We will keep you posted as we learn more about the candidates and the race.
We also have the Tennessee Gubernatorial Election on November 2, 2010. We will update the site with news on the candidates as we learn more.
On a Federal level:
If you are reading this blog, you probably know that Massachusetts has a special election for the seat which was previously occupied by Ted Kennedy. Scott Brown (R) is running against Martha Coakley (D). He is leading in most of the current polls. In Massachusetts, arguably our most liberal state; this should be an awakening. This will change the "filibuster proof" senate. This will also send a message to our current administration that we don't support socialist policies in America. (See post below). Here's a link to the Scott Brown website where you can pledge support:
With Bart Gordon throwing in the... Retiring, we now have to look for a way to replace Jim Cooper.
One of our members brought up a way we can help now. There is a huge need to have people be pole watchers. Here is a link to the site where we can learn how to help:
Here are some of the other sites mentioned in the meeting:
As always, we are looking for content on this site. Send us your thoughts!
If you are new to the site: We are a non-partisan group of people interested in Fiscal Conservatism and Responsibility from ALL of our elected officials.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Possible Republic Saver in Massachusetts
With the special election next week for the Massachusetts' Senate seat previously held by TheodoroSoros Kennedy, Mr. Brown(a fiscal conservative, second amendment supporter, who thinks much like most "Seeds" do.) has the potential to literally turn the tide of Obama and Soros' Marxism back. If Brown, who currently leads Coakley, can prevail.
It appears that the Progressives have overplayed thier hand, and even the People's Republic of Massachusetts is sickened and standing up against the ham-handed tactics of bribe and cheat and muscle ala Chicago to further at any cost thier Socialist agenda.
If Brown wins in liberal Massachusetts, the spineless Congressional minions of Pelosi and Reid will clearly see the handwriting on the wall and bail out of Obamacare and Cap and Tax. Could Massachusetts really be in a position to save the Republic? Scary but true!
Even at this late date, consider a few bucks pledge to Brown's campaign. Google PajamasMedia to get the link to help, please.
Pray for the Republic,
It appears that the Progressives have overplayed thier hand, and even the People's Republic of Massachusetts is sickened and standing up against the ham-handed tactics of bribe and cheat and muscle ala Chicago to further at any cost thier Socialist agenda.
If Brown wins in liberal Massachusetts, the spineless Congressional minions of Pelosi and Reid will clearly see the handwriting on the wall and bail out of Obamacare and Cap and Tax. Could Massachusetts really be in a position to save the Republic? Scary but true!
Even at this late date, consider a few bucks pledge to Brown's campaign. Google PajamasMedia to get the link to help, please.
Pray for the Republic,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
How well are you represented?
Here's a great letter from Dr Dutton. It explains the Seeds of Freedom Group:
I was inspired to consider the possibility that the “Greatest Generation” is, ironically, once again needed to SAVE THE REPUBLIC! Please consider being a force in our movement to rid the congress of the mindlessly Socialist Congressmen and co-conspirators in the Obama-Pelosi-Reid attempt to reduce us normal Americans to a “receiver” class. EVERYTHING the administration is doing strengthens big Gov’t, weakens private business, redistributes income, and increases taxes on the PRODUCING American, while crippling the country with Carbon emission controls in a “sky is falling” hysteria generated by cheating scientists on fat Grants. By the way, Mr. Obama’s new Socialist health bill kicks the “Greatest Generation” in the teeth..but has no plan to repair the damage. Do not expect to get a total hip if you are over a certain age, crutches are cheap!!
The Greatest Generation saved the world from Hitler and Mussolini’s “Axis” Fascism. The current leadership in The White House is shamelessly, openly, stacked with Socialist, Statist, Progressive activists, TOP TO BOTTOM. This is Liberal Fascism, and the Socialist-Democrats in Congress are mindlessly doing their bidding, while the MAINSTREAM MEDIA LOOKS THE OTHER WAY. Either they realize what the administration is doing, and agree, or they are being “useful idiots” ! Either way we must replace them or our Republic, as we know it, will cease to exist.
Is this material for a Sunday School class discussion? I should think so! Remember it was Obama who told the Muslims in the middle East that we were not a Christian Nation! It is the American Civil Liberties Union, an Obama loving bunch if there ever was one, who show up to threaten lawsuit every time someone mentions Christianity, or even God, in Public policy, but not to protest taxpayer installed foot washer stations for Muslims on college campuses!
Please go to this on the top bar of your computer), and you will see what I hope for.
“Seeds of Freedom” is open to any person to join. There is no charge to be a member, but we hope to spread the Fiscally conservative word. Open the site and you will see what I mean. We are not a PAC devoted to getting one certain candidate elected, and we are neither Democrat or GOP, we are just DISGUSTED by the way we have been ignored by the current Congress. will get into our very young website. We are funded by members who have made donations, we want your PASSION, not your money! We intend to make a difference before it’s too late, starting with the 2010 elections.
Have a blessed and hopeful day
Dr, Dutton
Check out these sites to find out how your representatives are voting:
I was inspired to consider the possibility that the “Greatest Generation” is, ironically, once again needed to SAVE THE REPUBLIC! Please consider being a force in our movement to rid the congress of the mindlessly Socialist Congressmen and co-conspirators in the Obama-Pelosi-Reid attempt to reduce us normal Americans to a “receiver” class. EVERYTHING the administration is doing strengthens big Gov’t, weakens private business, redistributes income, and increases taxes on the PRODUCING American, while crippling the country with Carbon emission controls in a “sky is falling” hysteria generated by cheating scientists on fat Grants. By the way, Mr. Obama’s new Socialist health bill kicks the “Greatest Generation” in the teeth..but has no plan to repair the damage. Do not expect to get a total hip if you are over a certain age, crutches are cheap!!
The Greatest Generation saved the world from Hitler and Mussolini’s “Axis” Fascism. The current leadership in The White House is shamelessly, openly, stacked with Socialist, Statist, Progressive activists, TOP TO BOTTOM. This is Liberal Fascism, and the Socialist-Democrats in Congress are mindlessly doing their bidding, while the MAINSTREAM MEDIA LOOKS THE OTHER WAY. Either they realize what the administration is doing, and agree, or they are being “useful idiots” ! Either way we must replace them or our Republic, as we know it, will cease to exist.
Is this material for a Sunday School class discussion? I should think so! Remember it was Obama who told the Muslims in the middle East that we were not a Christian Nation! It is the American Civil Liberties Union, an Obama loving bunch if there ever was one, who show up to threaten lawsuit every time someone mentions Christianity, or even God, in Public policy, but not to protest taxpayer installed foot washer stations for Muslims on college campuses!
Please go to this on the top bar of your computer), and you will see what I hope for.
“Seeds of Freedom” is open to any person to join. There is no charge to be a member, but we hope to spread the Fiscally conservative word. Open the site and you will see what I mean. We are not a PAC devoted to getting one certain candidate elected, and we are neither Democrat or GOP, we are just DISGUSTED by the way we have been ignored by the current Congress. will get into our very young website. We are funded by members who have made donations, we want your PASSION, not your money! We intend to make a difference before it’s too late, starting with the 2010 elections.
Have a blessed and hopeful day
Dr, Dutton
Check out these sites to find out how your representatives are voting:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Cost of Medicine... Is it really Inflation?
A loaf of bread costs a dollar or so today. Twenty years ago the same loaf of bread was a quarter. That is inflation!
I have had the privilege of practicing Medicine since 1971, before that, I was a "Resident" in at first Pathology, and then Urology for 6 years.
When I started my practice in 1971, medicines were $10-$20 at the Pharmacy, and an office visit was a similar cost. A vasectomy was $150. Not so today, but....
If you were unlucky enough to have advanced cancer of the testicle, with few exceptions, you just died. The same for Lymphomas, and Leukemia. Prostate cancer was rarely diagnosed at a curable stage; kidney cancer was likewise, often advanced when diagnosed, and incurable. If you had a kidney stone, you were likely going to be cut wide open, and miss 6 weeks of work(pay). Prostate cancer surgery, when feasible meant 6-12 weeks of convalescence.
There were few cancer blood tests, no CT scanners, no high tech minimally invasive procedures to cure you with minimal pain, and get you back to work(pay)in a short time. Kidney stones could not be lasered, blasted or manipulated with little or no morbidity.
There is essentially nothing that I do today to treat or care for my patient that I do the way it was done in 1971. Technology and knowledge in Medicine is proceeding at warp speed as this is written. If my wife continues to refuse to cook LUNCH for me, and my vigor continues, I am sure that the care I give 10 years from now will be enormously advanced over that today. That is, unless the travesty of Obama-care blows us back into the dark ages, as it will do as it is now conceived.
Research, fostered by that dirty capitalist term... PROFIT, will suffer, as will all of civilization, as Europe and the US slide into the gray abyss of Socialist meritocracy, as opposed to their forever enemy, Capitalist Meritocracy.
A loaf of bread is a loaf of bread! Do not let the mindless progressives get by with the complete mis-characterization of increased cost of the best product that Americans have: Medical Care.
Pray for the Republic
I have had the privilege of practicing Medicine since 1971, before that, I was a "Resident" in at first Pathology, and then Urology for 6 years.
When I started my practice in 1971, medicines were $10-$20 at the Pharmacy, and an office visit was a similar cost. A vasectomy was $150. Not so today, but....
If you were unlucky enough to have advanced cancer of the testicle, with few exceptions, you just died. The same for Lymphomas, and Leukemia. Prostate cancer was rarely diagnosed at a curable stage; kidney cancer was likewise, often advanced when diagnosed, and incurable. If you had a kidney stone, you were likely going to be cut wide open, and miss 6 weeks of work(pay). Prostate cancer surgery, when feasible meant 6-12 weeks of convalescence.
There were few cancer blood tests, no CT scanners, no high tech minimally invasive procedures to cure you with minimal pain, and get you back to work(pay)in a short time. Kidney stones could not be lasered, blasted or manipulated with little or no morbidity.
There is essentially nothing that I do today to treat or care for my patient that I do the way it was done in 1971. Technology and knowledge in Medicine is proceeding at warp speed as this is written. If my wife continues to refuse to cook LUNCH for me, and my vigor continues, I am sure that the care I give 10 years from now will be enormously advanced over that today. That is, unless the travesty of Obama-care blows us back into the dark ages, as it will do as it is now conceived.
Research, fostered by that dirty capitalist term... PROFIT, will suffer, as will all of civilization, as Europe and the US slide into the gray abyss of Socialist meritocracy, as opposed to their forever enemy, Capitalist Meritocracy.
A loaf of bread is a loaf of bread! Do not let the mindless progressives get by with the complete mis-characterization of increased cost of the best product that Americans have: Medical Care.
Pray for the Republic
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Cash for Clunkers (postmortem)
A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year.
A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year.
So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.
The Obama Administration claims 700,000 vehicles were purchased, so that's 224 million gallons saved per year.
That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.
5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.
More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars
So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.
We spent $8.57 for every dollar saved.
I can't wait until these geniuses get to work on our health care.
How about Obama's campaign promise to be a "full disclosure" administration? Did I just hear someone scream LIAR?
Obama's Failed Openness Pledge:
A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year.
So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.
The Obama Administration claims 700,000 vehicles were purchased, so that's 224 million gallons saved per year.
That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.
5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.
More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars
So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.
We spent $8.57 for every dollar saved.
I can't wait until these geniuses get to work on our health care.
How about Obama's campaign promise to be a "full disclosure" administration? Did I just hear someone scream LIAR?
Obama's Failed Openness Pledge:
Monday, January 4, 2010
Obama Trifecta of Firsts.
I received this via email from my Texas hombres.
This says an awful lot about the man in the White House.
President Obama just completed the UNHOLY and ANTI-AMERICAN TRIFECTA:
1st president in 110 years to miss the annual Army-Navy Football Game.
1st president to not attend any Christmas religious observance.
1st president to stay on vacation after a terrorist attack.
40 most obnoxious quotes of 2009 from John Hawkins:
This says an awful lot about the man in the White House.
President Obama just completed the UNHOLY and ANTI-AMERICAN TRIFECTA:
1st president in 110 years to miss the annual Army-Navy Football Game.
1st president to not attend any Christmas religious observance.
1st president to stay on vacation after a terrorist attack.
40 most obnoxious quotes of 2009 from John Hawkins:
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Kim and A-jhad Pee down BO's leg
BO's Narcissistic penchant to assume that his "gift" for oratory can influence despots has to have Kim and A-jhad splitting their sides as they both simultaneously pee down BO's legs regarding matters nuclear.
Kim graciously mouthed a conciliatory word or two in late December that must have given BO an erection, a fist pump, and a YESSS. He KNEW he could break this nuclear thing open with his golden tonsils and charisma! Oh, and a few gazilllion of our grandchildren's tax dollars.(Borrowed from China..ain't that a hoot!)
When the smoke clears, BO and we the people will have been HAD once more. Look at the bright side, maybe the issue will get Jimmy Carter's pathetic ass out of the country for a while.
Now the situation with A-jhad is a little different. He doesn't want our filthy Satanic dollars, he just wants to KILL us all! BO's conciliatory posture toward Iran is astounding, did you note how well he has encouraged the populist uprising? The one BEST way to solve the Iran "problem". You did'nt...neither did I!
Get ready to watch the guys who invented Chess(I think, could be wrong here) stall artfully with a minor concession or two and an massage to BO's ego. They may even get BO to give them some of our grandchildern's money before it's over.
I hope Israel still has the stones to do what must be done.
2010 will be very exciting, get ready to help!
Pray for the Republic
Happy New Year
Kim graciously mouthed a conciliatory word or two in late December that must have given BO an erection, a fist pump, and a YESSS. He KNEW he could break this nuclear thing open with his golden tonsils and charisma! Oh, and a few gazilllion of our grandchildren's tax dollars.(Borrowed from China..ain't that a hoot!)
When the smoke clears, BO and we the people will have been HAD once more. Look at the bright side, maybe the issue will get Jimmy Carter's pathetic ass out of the country for a while.
Now the situation with A-jhad is a little different. He doesn't want our filthy Satanic dollars, he just wants to KILL us all! BO's conciliatory posture toward Iran is astounding, did you note how well he has encouraged the populist uprising? The one BEST way to solve the Iran "problem". You did'nt...neither did I!
Get ready to watch the guys who invented Chess(I think, could be wrong here) stall artfully with a minor concession or two and an massage to BO's ego. They may even get BO to give them some of our grandchildern's money before it's over.
I hope Israel still has the stones to do what must be done.
2010 will be very exciting, get ready to help!
Pray for the Republic
Happy New Year
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