Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tea-Party Abuse ?

Remember the Tea-Party Tax Revolt initiative? It is what galvanized millions of peaceful, disgusted voters into a powerful, grass roots, non-partisan force. It was started in the winter-spring of 2009 in response to massive fiscal irresponsibility in Washington by BOTH parties, irresponsibly carried to new and stunning heights by the Obama led Congress, and his appointees. The wonderfulness of the movement was that it did NOT have a "political leader". We came together not to set forward a candidate, but to force forward certain principles...less government intrusion on our finances, our freedoms, our health, our guns, our habits. The "Nanny State" and it's taxes and intrusions were the target of the Tea-Party Protests.

At the big Tea-Party in DC, there were Democrats, Republicans, Independants, Libertarians, but there were NO Socialists or Marxists...the White House Cabinet stayed away and Obama went to Wisconsin. Between short speeches, the 1,000,000 plus crowd chanted "USA" "USA". Do you remember the backgroung chant as Scott Brown gave his victory speech. "USA" "USA". The united conservative electorate in Massachusetts demonstrated that enough is indeed enough! I am certain that the momentum of the Tea Party independents vote, added to the disgusted Democrats, and GOP votes, assured a win that may well have saved the Republic as we know it.

Fast forward to Nashville, February, 2010. Someone decides to hold a "Tea Party Convention". Maybe a good idea, maybe not. What felt good at first started to sour when suddenly the cost to attendees soars, and it is noted that the event has registered as "for profit". With that, the featured speakers that all us conservatives know and love, Bachmann and Palin suddenly find that there may be "some conflict"that prevents their coming, and I for one agree! Somebody got some 'splainin to do! The Tea Party movement should view any profiteering with a jaundiced eye. The Movement is too important and powerful a force for our Republic to allow itself to be misinterpreted or prostituted for profit.

Compounding the issue is a mortal fear from some elements of the GOP that a separate Party may evolve. The for-profit event in Nashville may inflame that fear, considering the fact that the expensive entry fee suggests big money. A recent open discussion that occured at a "Seeds of Freedom" meeting seemed to assuage that fear, at least in that very conservative but practical group, however, we all must gather together and COMBINE our strength, not squabble! The foe is a mortal threat to our Republic. Michelle Bachman recently stated it well....the GOP needs to join the Tea Party folks, there is no conflict. Likewise the Tea party(caps omitted on purpose) Patriots help the GOP.

Pray for the Republic

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