Monday, January 25, 2010

Pulling the Strings in Washington

My Texas bud Sean sent me this link from :

This is a link to a list of the top corporate Political Donors in America from the past 10 years. Notice who the heavy hitters are.

I imagine that when the Supreme court knocked down the Campaign Finance law last week both sides of the isle were breathing a sigh of relief. Personally, I don't care how much a corporation gives. I only care about the Character of the Characters that are receiving the money.

Now President Obama's administration has given a "No Bid" contract to a political donor. Reportedly the company gave at least $6,600. Frankly, the amount of the donation is irrelevant. What is of relevance is that the President stumped continually and even introduced a bill deriding "No Bid" government contracts.

The Story from FoxNews.Com:

Check out the transcript from a speech that (then) Senator Obama gave chastising President Bush:

Is there any end to this hypocrisy?

1 comment:

  1. The Afghan contract is small when compared to the no-bid contracts being handed out under the Stimulus Package. According to the GAO as of October 2009 approximately $8 Billion in no-bid contracts.

    68% of Small Business Admin contracts were no-bid
    NASA - 375
    HUD - 35%
    Ag Dept - 30%
    Commerce - 29%
    Homeland - 25%
    EPA - 24%
    DOT - 22%
    DOD - 20%
