Sunday, November 22, 2009

Seeds of Freedom, a few notes from today's meeting at Nero's in Green Hills:

James Baird spoke on the "Fair Tax" proposal also known as HR-25.
- The ability for the government to tax us was created by the 16th amendment back in 1913.
- Taxes were collected once a year.
- Congress figured out that it was easier to collect them on payday instead of once a year.
- The initial tax rate was 2%.
- Our current tax code has 70,000 + pages.
- The Fair Tax concept was originated around 1995.
- Currently Georgia State representative John Linder has been the biggest voice behind the Fair Tax.
- The Fair Tax has 50 C0-Sponsors in congress.
- Passing of the Fair Tax would repeal the 16th amendment.
- The estimated Fair Tax rate is somewhere between 23 and 30 %.
- The Fair Tax does not argue to control spending.

Commentary from the editor:
I've read the Fair Tax book and think it is a great way to have everyone pay their "Fair Share" of taxes. It is consumption based. It will take the power from the politicians and give it back to the people. The concept is simple: You pay taxes based on your purchases and no longer pay a federal income tax.

Please check out the following links:

Duane Dominy is running for State House District 59. Duane spoke to us briefly on his campaign. He stands for fiscal conservatism. He is also currently the City Councilman for District 28 in Nashville. Please check out his web site:

There was also a brief introduction to the Cloward and Piven Strategy from Dr Dutton. It introduced the strategy to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands for welfare and services. This deserves a post on it's own merit. We will get to that later.

Last but not least, thanks to Nero's Grill in Green Hills for the use of the back room. Also, excellent food and service from A.J.

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