Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cloward and Piven Committed Socialists...Does this ring familiar?

Cloward and Piven were Columbia University Sociologists, committed Socialists.

A strategy to hasten* the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands for welfare and services. This in all done through Community Activists and organizers, many of whom are paid with your tax dollars.

Published in 1966 in the May issue of The Nation. Article entitled “A Strategy to End Poverty”.

Socialism is the goal.

ACORN, SEIU, NWRO(National Welfare Rights Organization), George Soros’ open society Institute, Democrat extention of unemployment, are but a few initiatives dedicated to this strategy. Do you see how close this is to Obama?

The (in)famous Saul Alinsky, writer of “Rules for Radicals” was a devotee of the Cloward and Piven strategy.

The above is great talking point material when discussing the politics of BO. The typically fact-clueless liberal will have to resort to blathering about classical music or fine art!

Be aggressive, in the name of Freedom!!

Note please, This is not a “conspiracy” issue, this is very real, and is actively being worked by the committed Socialist element of the Left. Your Democrat Rep may not even know that he or she is being a “useful idiot” in a march to Marx. It’s our job to educate them!

*hasten, presumably used since progressives presume socialism is woked so well in E.Germany, Cuba, and Russia.

Bill, Nov 09


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