Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June Meeting Minutes

“Seeds “ Meeting Minutes, 20 June at Nero’s
Treasurer reports no expenditures
Old Business
1. Dr. and Mrs. Sawyer passed out info on getting trained to be a poll worker, and there was discussion on the importance of our help in this. Please step up and train to do this.
2. Chuck Self introduced Peter Voycey of the Green Hills Republican Party “Eggs and Bacon Summits”. They have a candidate to breakfast on the 4th Saturday at Nero’s for free discussion. Our “Seeds” group is invited. Breakfast at 8:30, meet at 9:00. Zack Wamp will be the guest this Saturday.
New Business
1. Eric Crafton’s candidacy was discussed, and he is the choice over the Democrat. It is critical to know that HIS election will be in the PRIMARY. We must vote in the primary to elect Eric.
2. Lonnie Spivak spoke on the need to assume we CAN win against Cooper, in spite of the nay-sayers. He cited that a virtually unfunded and unknown Republican candidate got 40% of the vote last election cycle. An 11% swing can win for the good guys. Lonnie brought voter registration material.
3. Dr. Steve Dickerson is having a get -together at Sugartree Clubhouse 4031 Woodmont Blvd. 5:30-7;00 Tues, June 29th. He is in the primary against James Chesser to run against Senator Henry,or whoever wins the Democrat Primary. Our Seeds members Eric and Chuck Self are hosting. rsvp
4. We approved, and Lonnie designed, a “Seeds” bumper sticker saying: SOCIALISM KILLS - Freedom, Initiative, competition- PLEASE VOTE CONSERVATIVE
5. We had a chemistry lesson on the fact that CO2 is not a pollutant, but a trace, naturally occurring gas that is ESSENTIAL to our survival.
CO2+H2O with chlorophyll/sunlight= sugar(C6H12O6) and O2(Oxygen)!!
Green plants do this for us!

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