Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving wake-up
My thanks to all of the "Seeds of Freedom" members who all last year , donated time and contributed money to defeat the Progressives. Our country is better and healthier for our effort.
Having said that, I must strenuously implore that we not "rest" for long. The battle to reverse the Socialist tendencies of many of our elected officials is just begun...WE won the first skirmish!
Please continue to be informed. Please read Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. Please join the Heritage Society, Please routinely read www.AmericanThinker. You must be armed with factual "talking points", and take every opportunity to inject them in dialogue with your friends and acquaintences. Win converts one at a time.
In the 2010 elections the tea-party candidates won the day with a few(very few) exceptions. Beltway elitism exists on both sides of the aisle, and we have only to look at Lamar's record to see who should be challenged next cycle. We need to consider the teaparty a muscular, virile, alert, conservative helpmate to a doddering, Patrician GOP.
You say, "what about that O'Donnell loss"? What she did was show the GOP that teaparty conservatives are not political prostitutes, thats all! Dr. Faustus did OK in the short run...but later!!!??? Next time an even more qualified GOP will win.
Please get behind "Conservatives on the Move". Our future is tied to youth and Hispanics, Blacks, and Gays, all peaceful forms of Religion that respect The Constitution(Sharia need not apply).
Seeds of Freedom will re-group in January, and will be once again concerned with helping conservatives get in office. Conservatives on the move" and the teaparty are an important part of the long term and short term plan to help the GOP.
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all,
Pray for the Republic,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My Newest Political Rant
I believe that a lot of politicians in Washington don't care what I think. I don't think they care what you think. I think they say and do what will keep them in power. This is not what our framers had in mind. I believe our constitutional framers had the exact opposite in mind. They fought to separate us from a tyrannical monarchy. A monarch run by a king that wanted (among other things) to over tax them. Our representatives would painstakingly leave their farms and business to represent their states. When they completed their service, they went home. Not on a book tour. Our forefathers didn't like being shafted by the monarchy and a few of them stood up for their rights. They stood up for OUR rights.
Unfortunately, in the last century, politicos have determined that they could gain more power by shafting segments of the population and by trying to make everything fair. They thought that if I make one group weaker, I can help another. If I over tax the wealthy, I can give it to the poor. This doesn't work. Any politician that thinks it will work needs to look towards Europe.
Just now I am beginning to see our citizens again stand up and say "We aren't going to take this!"
In my short lifetime, I have never seen anything like this. There hasn't been this kind of uproar in the modern American political world.
I think it is great that we shake both sides of the aisle and tell our representatives that if you don't do what is right for the country and me, your ass is going home. No more RINO'S. No more mid road leftist. I have yet to see someone run a campaign touting that they supported the "Stimulus Package".
One more thing... to all the people in the media trying to paint one side of the aisle prettier than the other, you will be out of business too if you keep misrepresenting the truth. And don't call me a racist, it is sooo last year. That's all the time I have to rant today.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Early Voting...

How to fix America:
Step One - Vote out incumbent, Over-Termed, Government Resource Sucking Politician
Step Two - Flush
Step Three - Replace with a Servant of The People
Step Four - Make sure the Servant from Step Three Knows that We Will Repeat Step One as Necessary.
Lonnie's Web site:
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Pete Stark - California Democrat - US Representative
June Meeting Minutes
Treasurer reports no expenditures
Old Business
1. Dr. and Mrs. Sawyer passed out info on getting trained to be a poll worker, and there was discussion on the importance of our help in this. Please step up and train to do this.
2. Chuck Self introduced Peter Voycey of the Green Hills Republican Party “Eggs and Bacon Summits”. They have a candidate to breakfast on the 4th Saturday at Nero’s for free discussion. Our “Seeds” group is invited. Breakfast at 8:30, meet at 9:00. Zack Wamp will be the guest this Saturday.
New Business
1. Eric Crafton’s candidacy was discussed, and he is the choice over the Democrat. It is critical to know that HIS election will be in the PRIMARY. We must vote in the primary to elect Eric.
2. Lonnie Spivak spoke on the need to assume we CAN win against Cooper, in spite of the nay-sayers. He cited that a virtually unfunded and unknown Republican candidate got 40% of the vote last election cycle. An 11% swing can win for the good guys. Lonnie brought voter registration material.
3. Dr. Steve Dickerson is having a get -together at Sugartree Clubhouse 4031 Woodmont Blvd. 5:30-7;00 Tues, June 29th. He is in the primary against James Chesser to run against Senator Henry,or whoever wins the Democrat Primary. Our Seeds members Eric and Chuck Self are hosting. rsvp
4. We approved, and Lonnie designed, a “Seeds” bumper sticker saying: SOCIALISM KILLS - Freedom, Initiative, competition- PLEASE VOTE CONSERVATIVE
5. We had a chemistry lesson on the fact that CO2 is not a pollutant, but a trace, naturally occurring gas that is ESSENTIAL to our survival.
CO2+H2O with chlorophyll/sunlight= sugar(C6H12O6) and O2(Oxygen)!!
Green plants do this for us!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
"Seeds of Freedom" meeting of May 23...Notes
Chuck Self reported the finances, and we are assesments so far.
Chuck reported on the initiative we plan to mount, a serious phone blitz to benefit "our" selected conservative candidates. He will obtain the names and numbers of people who at some time, have voted conservatively. Our job will be to gently remind them that the liberals are driving the bus over the cliff, and that thier vote can literally help to salvage the Republic.
We also discussed the need for trained poll workers from our Group.More later on that at the next meeting.
The Group's speaker was Dr. Terry Sawyer, who spoke on his epiphany to conservatism. A very educational and moving vignette, appreciated by all, and perhaps, helpful to the attending candidates.
The candidates who spoke were: David Hall, a General Contractor, running to secure the GOP nomination to run against Jim Cooper. Jeff Hartlein, an educator, also vying for the chance to run against Cooper, spoke to the group.
Hall, Hartlein, and Spivak are competing against each other
in the Primary, in an 8 person GOP field, to run against the Lying Jim Cooper.
James Chesser, Major in the TNSG, and an attorney, running to secure the GOP nomination to run against Tn. Senator Henry spoke. Chesser is running against Dr.Steven Dickerson in the GOP primary.
All candidates hae a message that was well recieved. All are family men with family values. Hall, Hartlein, Spivac , all were deemed far better that Cooper.
James Chesser spoke with passion about his desire to improve Tennesee from the botom up, and we all agreed.
Notable in the talks, was the lack of rancor BETWEEN the competing candidates, a great sign that all of our eyes are indeed on the ball to get back our country!
We discussed a media boycott I'd like to start for the 1st week of July. MSM print and broadcast and periodical...e.g. Newsweek, NYT. Go face book, you-tube viral, hurt the liars and half- truthers. They were complicit in getting BO elected, and still lie, calling the tea-partiers racists and libertarians. The Times casually "outed" a plan by the DOD to gather(spy) information to help in the war on terror just this week.
We discussed getting a group to spend a long weekwnd in Arizona the last weekwnd in July. Tucson, maybe the Chihuahua mountains..drinks by the pool, hiking, golf, helping the Arizona economy!
I'm thinking about bumper art saying "Socialism Destroys"
Would you show it?
Next Meeting 20 June, 5:00 Nero's
Pray for the Republic!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Reasons to support Mike Turner for Re-election
In a spirit of fairness, I feel that I should enumerate, for those readers who may have Socialist-Progressive leanings, why they may wish to re-elect Mr. Turner...I am virtually certain that the balanced press(Tennessean) we have here will also present these issues, so if this is redundant, I apologise.
Here a a few of Mr.Turner's choices:
1.Supported Drivers licenses for illegal immigrants.
2.State income tax is a GOOD idea.
3.Saw fit to label anyone who opposed Obama's health care bill "RACIST".
4.Voted on May 24 AGAINST a resolution by the Tennessee House to support
Arizona's bill to protect thier state from illegal aliens.(The resolution PASSED
by a better than 2:1 vote). He said he did'nt want the state involved.
5.Being a UNION GUY,you can probably count on him if the Card Check issue becomes
a state issue.
6.I admit to guessing now, but we can probably expect him to LOVE some form of
Energy Tax.
I'm not too much enamored by Mr. Turner, but those who think they may like his politics deserve to get a snapshot of the above. It's only fair!
Pray for the Republic
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I saw this in an Email
Monday, May 17, 2010
Subtle Similarities and Truths
My mind drifted back to younger days in the back seat of my "55 Chevy, when that "not ready yet" question was on my mind!
Only this time, we ain't gettin' kissed!!!
Pray for the Republic
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Media Bullies by Avagadro602
Regarding the MSM, they are showing themselves as willing conspirators as the Obama administration steers the great vessel of our Republic UNDER the waves.The omissions and misinformation are so glareing, we can no longer chalk thier behavior up to naivete'. We are seeing COLLUSION,and consiracy, pure and evil! Are they consciously aware of this, or just "useful Idiots"? It does not matter, they must be stopped!
I propose an orchestrated event, perhaps on July 4th, at which time all disgusted conservatives cancel thier NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, Time, LA Times, Tennessean, etc.,etc. Turn off CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, CSNBC. All the media that can say nothing good about conservatives, tea-partiers, patriots, and nothing bad about the progressives, the terrorists, and "The One".I should think that it could be done via the internet, planned by someone more cyber-savvy than me.
Hitting back can feel real good. Think of these media as bullies, which, really, is what they are! Are YOU tired of taking this abuse? Would'nt you enjoy giving them a financial bloody nose?
Pray for the Republic
Friday, May 7, 2010
B.O.'s law license or lack there of...
from an email...
Ed. note: This is legit. I checked it out myself at Stands for Illinois Attorney Registration And Disciplinary Committee. It’s the official arm of lawyer discipline in Illinois ; and they are very strict and mean as hell. (Talk about irony!) Even I, at the advanced age of almost 65, maintain (at the cost of approximately $600/year) my law license that I worked so hard and long to earn.]
Former Constitutional Law Lecturer and US President Makes Up Constitutional Quotes During State Of The Union (SOTU) Address.
Consider this:
1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a “lawyer”. He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application.
2. Michelle Obama “voluntarily surrendered” her law license in 1993.
3. So, we have the first black President and First Lady — who don’t actually have licenses to practice law. Facts.
4. A senior lecturer is one thing... A fully ranked law professor is another. Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago .
5. The University of Chicago released a statement in March, 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) “served as a professor” in the law school—but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.
6. “He did not hold the title of professor of law,” said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago School of Law .
7. The former Constitutional senior lecturer (Obama) cited the US Constitution the other night during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence … not the Constitution.
8. The B-Cast posted the video:
9. Free Republic: In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: “We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal….
10. Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Champ, I mean Mr. President. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them unalienable rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
11. And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech???
When you are a phoney it's hard to keep facts straight.
Pres. Barack Obama – Editor of the Harvard Law Review– Has No Law License???
May 15, 2009 by Johnny Alamo
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I have been busy over the past couple of weeks. I took a whole day last Saturday. It was a beautiful day outside. I spent it inside working on my taxes. I also had to take off from work on the 14th to finish the job. I’m not happy. Here is why: I was once an accountant/financial analyst. I was paid to work in accounting. I was very comfortable in finance and an adequate accountant. I was simply bored to near death. This experience exposed me to the tax system. I am familiar with and can follow most accounting speak. I would venture to say that I may have a better understanding of accounting than 90 percent of the population.
My first point is this: I am still nervous and apprehensive about filing my own taxes. There are over 70,000 pages of tax code and it is technical data.
Next: to avoid paying more than my share I have to know current tax law. I am now in sales and work from the home as does my wife. We are able to reduce our taxable income by listing our home office expenses and associated business expenses. This takes tax software a computer to run it on and a basic knowledge of accounting. Accordingly most people with income are required to file. However, just because you file does not mean that you pay taxes. For almost 50 percent of the population there are no federal income taxes. If the non paying person files they may still receive a check for an income tax credit. This is a redistribution of wealth. In essence for me to reduce my taxes while ensuring that I pay the correct amount I either have to know the current tax law (part of the 70,000+ pages) or hire someone who does. To comply with the law I have to expend resources (a lot of time) or pay a tax professional. This, in my opinion, is unconstitutional. I am not against paying taxes at all. I believe we need to pay for the proper protection and maintenance of the country.
What is the solution? The current tax system needs to be overhauled to make it easier to comply. I imagine this will also increase participation; ie tax receipts. A flat or non-progressive tax rate would be an idea. Perhaps a consumption based tax would get the results this country needs. This would take administrative burden from the payer. Think about the amount of productive hours this would free.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
"Seeds of Freedom" April Meeting Notes
We were very pleased to hear from several conservative candidates for office, to be described in a moment.First, let me comment on how critical it is at this moment in time, to elect ONLY fiscal conservatives.
The year 2010 is a census year. Tennessee is going to be able to adjust and re-apportion it's representative districting. All of the current districting was done after reconstruction, and under total Democratic(liberal) control...can you spell Gerrymander. If the good guys(conservatives) win, and control the congress AND the State House, the districting can be much more fairly drawn.
Please consider supporting the following in the primary(my personal choices, blog back and argue if you disagree.)Remember, all politics is LOCAL!
Dr. Steve Dickerson: Young, cerebral, articulate. Great thinker on many levels, and a trustworthy fiscal conservative. running against the ancient state senator Doug Henry. Henry is a nice Democrat that can be expected to come down on the liberal side of tax, be soft on illegal immigration, and 2nd amendment issues. We need a convervative in this seat, and Henry may be beatable this year. Go Steve..he needs money!
Councilman Eric Crafton: Worked to get a fair English only bill passed in Metro. It was vetoed by a Democrat Mayor. Impressively educated,(Masters degrss from Vanderbilt) dedicated to bringing excellence to a department woefully run by Vic(bathrobe)Lineweaver. Crafton is going to go far, and is only now starting! We were all impressed with Eric. He needs money. I predict Eric will be our Mayor at some time in the future.
Charles Williamson, Entrepeneur and buffalo farmer: This splendid example of the way America should work cashed in his assets and folowed his dream...a successful buffalo farmer...damn, I am impressed! Charles is a mountain of a guy, running against a certain weevil, Mike Turner, for the 51st State House seat. Mike, you may recall is the weevil who, with Sen Cohen of Memphis, was loudly proclaiming that if you opposed the disgusting Obamacare bill, you are a racist. Also, he's a friend of a state tax, and favoring drivers licenses for illegals. We have got to get this weevil out of office! If you help ANYBODY, help Charles Williamson, he needs the help, as Turner has Union and Demo.Party funds.
Lonnie Spivac: A solid "tea party" conservative. On Lonnie's promo-card, just above the classic GOP elephant is the word "NEW", and that says a lot! Lonnie is running against the dastardly imitation "blue-dog" Democrat Jim Cooper for Representative in the Nashville(7th)district. I have seen Lonnie at every conservative gathering I've been to.Lonnie is the real deal in my humble opinion. He definately needs funds to fight. Cooper's district is one of those Gerrymandered districts that favors the liberal candidate.
Chuck Self is going to bring a phone-call list to our meeting so we can get on the phone and help our candidates.
Bill Haslam has agreed to speak to our group, time TBA.
Remember the words of Edmund Burke, ca.1776 "All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing".
Next meeting, Nero's, Green Hills, May 23rd, 5:00PM
Pray for the Republic
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Who We Are and What We Stand For
The Seeds of Freedom was formed in the spring of 2009 by a small group of Patriots, weary of simply moaning about the Progressive(socialist, statist, collectivist) direction that the Obama team was steering the country in. “Seeds” is comprised of members who are fiercely dedicated to fiscal conservatism, constitutional integrity, and Judeo- Christian morals. We are, as a group, non-partisan, and regret that recent socialist-statist victories by the Democrats were enabled by weak GOP positions on fiscal conservatism in the GOP’s last administration, and a very weak GOP conservative candidate for president. We are in alignment with the principles of the “tea-party” movement back to smaller, less intrusive government, state’s rights, personal responsibility, and a return to Constitutional values.
We feel the media has such overwhelming liberal bias that Americans are not able to see negative results of statism, nor to get enough information to make fair decisions regarding unrealistic and irresponsible liberal economics, policies, and the welfare state. It is this bias that allows liberal politicians to slither past election challenges, and surprisingly be re-elected in truly conservative areas. This is why we need(thousands of) groups like “Seeds of Freedom”.
We are not a “PAC”, and we have no Dues to participate. We have no interest in a “Third Party”, and are not Libertarians. We are listed as an organization, and have no Tax consequences. Our meetings are optional and there is no admission fee, no financial requests. We wish to spread the light of conservatism one-on-one, and reveal the liberal-progressive-statist hipocracies one fact at a time. Our meetings are a friendly mix of the above. Political candidates speak to us, and we will ultimately put our time and perhaps some of our fortune behind them. We plan to mount a phone campaign for the candidates we feel will support a fresh, honest conservatism. Each member will be asked to make a few calls in favor of the NEW conservative candidates.
Liberals spreading race-baiting racism, class warfare, income re-distribution, tax and spend, and 1st and 2nd Amendment destruction MUST BE FIRED to save the Republic. The good people of Cuba and Venezuela know we do not want what Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Waxman, Sanders, Soros and Kucinich have in mind for us.
If you wish to join us in the good fight, send me an e-mail. I will reply and invite you to a meeting(Sunday afternoon, monthly), and place you on the rolls for e-mail announcements, if you wish.
Pray for the Republic
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tea Party Express

Nashville became a stopping point for the Tea Party Express. The best way I can describe the Tea Party Express is this: A group of like minded fiscally conservative people jump on a bus in Harry Reid's home town and create conservative rally's at stopping points on their journey across the country.
There were some good speakers. There were hokey rally songs. In all, the people in the group brought a solid message to the 300 to 400 people at the rally. The rally was in the parking lot of Scores Sports Bar. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. There were bumper stickers and t-shirts sold. It looked like there were people from every walk of life there. The overall message was about being concerned with the way our government is dragging the country towards socialism.
One thing I did not see is any hate speech or racial slurs. The people at this meeting were concerned with politics and freedom. I expect that this will be my first of many rallies. We will keep you posted.
In the mean time check out this site: 9.12 Project Nashville
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A Great Blog from Alan Caruba
Obama's Make-Believe Life
By Alan Caruba
I have this theory about Barack Obama. I think he’s led a kind of make-believe life in which money was provided and doors were opened because at some point early on somebody or some group took a look at this tall, good looking, half-white, half-black, young man with an exotic African/Muslim name and concluded he could be guided toward a life in politics where his facile speaking skills could even put him in the White House.
In a very real way, he has been a young man in a very big hurry. Who else do you know has written two memoirs before the age of 45? “Dreams of My Father” was published in 1995 when he was only 34 years old. The “Audacity of Hope” followed in 2006. If, indeed, he did write them himself. There are some who think that his mentor and friend, Bill Ayers, a man who calls himself a “communist with a small ‘c’” was the real author.
His political skills consisted of rarely voting on anything that might be deemed controversial. He went from a legislator in the Illinois legislature to the Senator from that state because he had the good fortune of having Mayor Daley’s formidable political machine at his disposal.
He was in the U.S. Senate so briefly that his bid for the presidency was either an act of astonishing self-confidence or part of some greater game plan that had been determined before he first stepped foot in the Capital. How, many must wonder, was he selected to be a 2004 keynote speaker at the Democrat convention that nominated John Kerry when virtually no one had ever even heard of him before?
He outmaneuvered Hillary Clinton in primaries. He took Iowa by storm. A charming young man, an anomaly in the state with a very small black population, he oozed “cool” in a place where agriculture was the antithesis of cool. He dazzled the locals. And he had an army of volunteers drawn to a charisma that hid any real substance.
And then he had the great good fortune of having the Republicans select one of the most inept candidates for the presidency since Bob Dole. And then John McCain did something crazy. He picked Sarah Palin, an unknown female governor from the very distant state of Alaska. It was a ticket that was reminiscent of 1984’s Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro and they went down to defeat.
The mainstream political media fell in love with him. It was a schoolgirl crush with febrile commentators like Chris Mathews swooning then and now over the man. The venom directed against McCain and, in particular, Palin, was extraordinary.
Now, nearly a full year into his first term, all of those gilded years leading up to the White House have left him unprepared to be President. Left to his own instincts, he has a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. It swiftly became a joke that he could not deliver even the briefest of statements without the ever-present Tele-Prompters.
Far worse, however, is his capacity to want to “wish away” some terrible realities, not the least of which is the Islamist intention to destroy America and enslave the West. Any student of history knows how swiftly Islam initially spread. It knocked on the doors of Europe, having gained a foothold in Spain.
The great crowds that greeted him at home or on his campaign “world tour” were no substitute for having even the slightest grasp of history and the reality of a world filled with really bad people with really bad intentions.
Oddly and perhaps even inevitably, his political experience, a cakewalk, has positioned him to destroy the Democrat Party’s hold on power in Congress because in the end it was never about the Party. It was always about his communist ideology, learned at an early age from family, mentors, college professors, and extreme leftist friends and colleagues.
Obama is a man who could deliver a snap judgment about a Boston police officer who arrested an “obstreperous” Harvard professor-friend, but would warn Americans against “jumping to conclusions” about a mass murderer at Fort Hood who shouted “Allahu Akbar.” The absurdity of that was lost on no one. He has since compounded this by calling the Christmas bomber “an isolated extremist” only to have to admit a day or two later that he was part of an al Qaeda plot.
He is a man who could strive to close down our detention facility at Guantanamo even though those released were known to have returned to the battlefield against America. He could even instruct his Attorney General to afford the perpetrator of 9/11 a civil trial when no one else would ever even consider such an obscenity. And he is a man who could wait three days before having anything to say about the perpetrator of yet another terrorist attack on Americans and then have to elaborate on his remarks the following day because his first statement was so lame.
The pattern repeats itself. He either blames any problem on the Bush administration or he naively seeks to wish away the truth.
Knock, knock. Anyone home? Anyone there? Barack Obama exists only as the sock puppet of his handlers, of the people who have maneuvered and manufactured this pathetic individual’s life.
When anyone else would quickly and easily produce a birth certificate, this man has spent over a million dollars to deny access to his. Most other documents, the paper trail we all leave in our wake, have been sequestered from review. He has lived a make-believe life whose true facts remain hidden.
We laugh at the ventriloquist’s dummy, but what do you do when the dummy is President of the United States of America?
Original Post:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Kit Williams Amendment...
Subj: Congressional Term Limits - An urgent cause!
* Prohibits them from having their "Cadillac" pension rights
* Requires them to participate in Social Security, IRA's, 401(k)'s, etc.
* Prohibits them from having their "Cadillac" health care plans
* Prohibits them from exempting themselves from legislation
* Prohibits them from EVER participating in lobbying activities after being in Congress
Yes, I know Jim DeMint (one of my heroes) introduced a term limit amendment in 2009. And, yes, I know that several other organizations have fleshed out amendment proposals. I have read them all and, frankly, I don't think they go far enough. We can reasonably debate the finer points of the limit on time of service, but I feel we must take advantage of the citizen fervor building right now to build a state-by-state movement to get something like my amendment in the Constitution.
And, please, pass this along to whomever you think may help build the momentum to make this happen.
Nashville TN USA
Social Security... In Case you have forgotten...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Josh is Right
I hope we never have to find out if the report is accurate.
Am I the only one who has the feeling we're becoming a Socialist Banana Republic.
Monday could be very scary!
Pray for the Republic
A Sign of Things to Come?
Pharmacy Giant Walgreens is said to have made a decision to stop taking Medicaid patients at 121 of it's stores. The company has apparently stated that it is less than break-even with 95% of it's brand name medications.
Let's take this train of thought to the next level: Imagine if our countries doctors decide to stop taking Medicaid. They don't work for free. They need to be profitable. By creating socialized medicine we are expanding the number of people covered who are currently not paying into the system and paying for it with the same amount of money. This equation does not work. The government will have to either tax us more or cut costs elsewhere... Reducing reimbursement to the health care providers. The Doctors could be the next group to stop accepting Medicaid.
If our current administration has it's way, this could be a reality. Essentially, the Progressive Left would like to have a state run health care system. Their proposal is not about health care at all. It is about power. Specifically the ability to wield power. They realize that they can control retirement benefits and therefore control a lot of Union power. They realize that they can set limits on care and the public will be at their mercy. They essentially are permanently buying votes.
It reminds me of our current education system. Where I live there are a few good public schools. They happen to be in the conservative county next to mine. If you are in my county, you have no choice but to pay taxes which go to the lack-luster schools and send your children to private schools anyway.
Can you say two tier health care system? A system where you have to have secondary insurance and a system where health care providers will only take profitable insurance. I wonder if we should be asking for health care vouchers now? WOW thanks Comrades Pelosi, Reid, and Obama.
Fox on Walgreens
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Charitible Insanity
Your neighbor, whose yard sign politics never agreed with yours, house has just burned down.
Although your income is sustantial, you've kids in college, a big mortgage, and no excess cash. In fact, you owe $123,000 in unsecured loan debt to Guido for gambling debt.
What to do? Do you:
1. Volunteeer to help with meals, clothing, clean up.
2. Keep the dog, who survived with the family.
3. Loan them your old car till they can replace the one that burned.
4. Offer a bedroom till lodging arrangements can be made.
5. Oh, to hell with the Progressive bastard.
Our administration has chosen #6 for you and I and our kids and grandkids to make up. God only knows how much $$$ will be borrowed OR printed to send to Chile and Haiti.
Common sense is not so common!
Pray for the Republic..the inmates are running the Asylum!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Snow Blowers and Communists

I attend a luncheon every Wednesday where vendors like myself buy lunch for a large group of engineers from some of the local companies. More and more the luncheon is becoming more like a "soup kitchen" as the out of work engineers come in to have a free lunch and look for news of companies hiring. Afterwards I was sitting and talking with a select group of people which consisted of an engineer who immigrated to the US from Lebanon in the late 50's (OSU Grad), a salesman who was an infantry officer in Vietnam and my partner who was a Marine.
The immigrant made the statement that he had never seen America this down since the 70's and he thought it was worse in many ways today because it looks like most people had lost the will to fight. He is convinced that Obama is a socialist and is making policy decisions with the intent of wearing down the American spirit to the point that they will accept anything the government has to offer.
The former infantry officer spoke about his time in leadership school with the military back in the late 50's/early 60's, when they were taught about the future projections of US and USSR systems. According to him his military instructors actually taught that as time moved forward the students would see the US move towards Communism and the USSR move towards democracy, the reason for both was the power and greed concentrated in the hands of the political elite. For the citizens of the USSR you would see the people rebel against the government due to the years of corruption that pushed the people down so the government could maintain control. For the US the move towards Communism would be due to the political elite trying to maintain the power and money that comes with being in the Congress, corruption and greed would cause our elected representatives to pass laws and regulations that would empower the government over the people.
Interesting conversations with these gentlemen.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Carbon Dioxide Flash
There would be NO green earth, and NO live humans without CO2!
There, I've said it....pass it on...exhale deeply..your plants will love ya for it!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hey Al Gore can I borrow your snow shovel?
Since we have ice and snow on the ground and a lot of people here aren't used to driving on it, the city slows down. Interstate 40, which crosses the state, is currently shut down east of Nashville. My second appointment of the day was... you guessed it... also east of Nashville. Therefore, I'm home. My first appointment was canceled because of weather as well.
Now why not make fun of Al Gore and his bogus claim of man-made global warming soon to be called climate change? I believe he is behind this to profiteer. Why, because as I understand it; he has purchased an ocean-side home in California. According to a claim about polar icecaps melting, his new home should be under water in just a few short years. So he's either really good at waterproofing or he is full of it. You decide.
Here's my theory; we can damage the environment. We can pollute all day long. However, we are a grain of sand on a beach when compared to the forces of nature. I don't believe in man-made global warming. I think it is a hoax by a leftist politician seeking to redistribute wealth by taxing an inert gas that occurs freely in nature.
I enjoy the outdoors and wish to continue doing so. I am in support of keeping the environment clean. However, when a politician pushes a self-promoting cause which provides him with ill-gotten gains based on junk science, I draw the line. You see, the scientist receive grants to study this. So by claiming there is a problem, they are creating jobs for themselves. This is criminal when we the taxpayer are funding this.
The leftist media won't show you this but I will... Here's a link to an article on one of the Pro-Global Warming Scientist renouncing his work: Phil Jones Backtrack.
Keep the pressure on expose these wealth redistributing scum for what they are: Two-Bit Snake Oil Salesmen.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Willing Suspension of Disbelief, Obama Style
One who views the Congress' and the medias' reaction to what is unfolding from the WH should marvel at the degree of suspension of disbelief that is occuring.
1. The POTUS fills the WH with far left progressives and claims political center.
2. The POTUS claims "transparency" in Bill making.
3. The POTUS names 32"Czars", and claims "I am not a Bolshevic".
4. The POTUS claims 2,000,000 jobs created.
5. Every act of this POTUS favors bigger and bigger Federal control over our lives.
6. Every act of this POTUS can be seen to be derived from either the "Rules for Radicals" playbook of Saul Alinsky, or from the Cloward and Piven Strategy(see archives, 2009) .
7. The POTUS has favored UN policy that degrades US Constitutional soverignty.
8. Cap and Trade, Obamacare, Card Check all involve sacrifices of US citizens' freedoms and dollars.
9. Wholesale degradation of our currency is ongoing, andwe are BORROWING money to GIVE AWAY!
10. Everybody is paying higher taxes of one type or another.
11. Terrorist trials by US civilian court in NYC at a cost of a billion dollars could make sense.
Wholesale "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" has to be in effect here among both Democrats and media, and from any party that is not screaming "Wake up, this is not a Play!"
Pray for the Republic
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tea-Party Abuse ?
At the big Tea-Party in DC, there were Democrats, Republicans, Independants, Libertarians, but there were NO Socialists or Marxists...the White House Cabinet stayed away and Obama went to Wisconsin. Between short speeches, the 1,000,000 plus crowd chanted "USA" "USA". Do you remember the backgroung chant as Scott Brown gave his victory speech. "USA" "USA". The united conservative electorate in Massachusetts demonstrated that enough is indeed enough! I am certain that the momentum of the Tea Party independents vote, added to the disgusted Democrats, and GOP votes, assured a win that may well have saved the Republic as we know it.
Fast forward to Nashville, February, 2010. Someone decides to hold a "Tea Party Convention". Maybe a good idea, maybe not. What felt good at first started to sour when suddenly the cost to attendees soars, and it is noted that the event has registered as "for profit". With that, the featured speakers that all us conservatives know and love, Bachmann and Palin suddenly find that there may be "some conflict"that prevents their coming, and I for one agree! Somebody got some 'splainin to do! The Tea Party movement should view any profiteering with a jaundiced eye. The Movement is too important and powerful a force for our Republic to allow itself to be misinterpreted or prostituted for profit.
Compounding the issue is a mortal fear from some elements of the GOP that a separate Party may evolve. The for-profit event in Nashville may inflame that fear, considering the fact that the expensive entry fee suggests big money. A recent open discussion that occured at a "Seeds of Freedom" meeting seemed to assuage that fear, at least in that very conservative but practical group, however, we all must gather together and COMBINE our strength, not squabble! The foe is a mortal threat to our Republic. Michelle Bachman recently stated it well....the GOP needs to join the Tea Party folks, there is no conflict. Likewise the Tea party(caps omitted on purpose) Patriots help the GOP.
Pray for the Republic
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Why the Government is Desperate for HealthcareReform:
The problem with Medicare is that it is designed to fail. Let me explain. I'm going to use simple math to explain my calculations. I joined the professional workforce when I was 23. Before that, I still contributed to Medicare but I won't count the previous seven years. Note, I was still taxed for Medicare during those seven years. So if I retire at 65 I will have contributed for at least 42 years (504 months). If I take the $802 and divide it by 12 for a monthly contribution, I get $67. If I take 2% as a cost of capital or average return for my funds that the government will invest I get a whopping $52,853 to cover me for the rest of my life. $2,643 per year after age 65 assuming I live to 85. One surgery or one disease can wipe that all out. In other words, our system is designed to fail.
It should be perfectly clear that our Medicare insurance is supplemental. So, the people in Washington hopefully own a business calculator and can get someone to help them use it. They see that the system is not going to work, so they try to squeeze cost from the system. They start with the low hanging fruit: Doctors. Why, because they know that the public overall think that doctors are wealthy. Therefore when the evening news tells us that they are being paid 10% less, there is no sympathy.
The American people as a whole do not understand the system. The politicians, as a whole, do not understand the system. I spoke with one of the surgeons that I call on. He told me that he and his partners had an in-depth conversation with a local congresswoman. Both parties are conservative yet she wanted to keep pushing to cut Medicare spending. According to the doctor she did not understand that they were being paid from the Medicare dollars. She assumed that cutting spending in Washington was a great Conservative move. Well, it usually is unless you have a system that is nearly forcing the doctors to take the Medicare patients.
What can a doctor do? The easy answer is stop accepting Medicare. Is this a realistic solution? I can assume a lot of people would be upset if this happened. I deal with general surgeons and understand that the Medicare reimbursement on some of the most common procedures has remained constant for the past ten years. This means that they haven't had a raise in ten years. Note that they also pay their staff and overhead with this reimbursement. Expenses which are also rising because of inflation. So, would you want to go to work in a system that doesn't pay?
My whole point in this exercise is this: The representatives in congress and the senate and our executive branch do not have a clue. They do not have a solution for this any more than for social security. We are facing a huge problem. The only thing that is for sure is that it will get a lot worse before it gets better. Check out the related story from : Why Doctors Are Abandoning Medicare.
Have you stopped and thought about why the government is desperate for reforming healthcare? It is simple: they are trying to cover up a huge blunder in the system. This Social Security/Medicare system is based on entitlements. Entitlements are the politicians way of buying votes ergo power. They take from the producers and give to the moochers.
Think of it like this: If you are in a life boat that you paid for, with life jackets that you paid for; the politician is determining who gets the life jackets and asking you to purchase more. The doctors are starting to say: "We can't continue to produce the life jackets for this pay!"
You better learn how to swim!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Pulling the Strings in Washington
This is a link to a list of the top corporate Political Donors in America from the past 10 years. Notice who the heavy hitters are.
I imagine that when the Supreme court knocked down the Campaign Finance law last week both sides of the isle were breathing a sigh of relief. Personally, I don't care how much a corporation gives. I only care about the Character of the Characters that are receiving the money.
Now President Obama's administration has given a "No Bid" contract to a political donor. Reportedly the company gave at least $6,600. Frankly, the amount of the donation is irrelevant. What is of relevance is that the President stumped continually and even introduced a bill deriding "No Bid" government contracts.
The Story from FoxNews.Com:
Check out the transcript from a speech that (then) Senator Obama gave chastising President Bush:
Is there any end to this hypocrisy?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I never have them on my car but...

I never put bumper stickers on my car but I just saw this in a Lexus 430 and liked it. I believe more and more of the country is having the same feelings. What do you think?
You can find more here:
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
History Repeats
2010 Version:
"By the ballot that arched the flood, to winter's breeze, their flag unfurled, there once free capitalist Patriots stood, and cast the vote heard round the world." The Battle for Survival of the Republic, January 19, 2010, Massachusetts.
Quote of the Day or should I say Back in the Day
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be filled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome be bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance. - Cicero, 55 BC.
Here's a site for Free Faxes to Government Officials:
http://www.numbersusa.comMonday, January 18, 2010
Seeds of Freedom Meeting Notes
We are in the process of creating a meeting content chairman who will help increase the quality of our meetings. We imagine the chair will be responsible for finding or having people find speakers.
We had some really good information shared about politics on state and federal levels.
On a State level:
We have a race with two Representative to the House. Mike Turner (D) is the Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.
We believe that Charles Williams a local conservative is running against him. We will keep you posted as we learn more about the candidates and the race.
We also have the Tennessee Gubernatorial Election on November 2, 2010. We will update the site with news on the candidates as we learn more.
On a Federal level:
If you are reading this blog, you probably know that Massachusetts has a special election for the seat which was previously occupied by Ted Kennedy. Scott Brown (R) is running against Martha Coakley (D). He is leading in most of the current polls. In Massachusetts, arguably our most liberal state; this should be an awakening. This will change the "filibuster proof" senate. This will also send a message to our current administration that we don't support socialist policies in America. (See post below). Here's a link to the Scott Brown website where you can pledge support:
With Bart Gordon throwing in the... Retiring, we now have to look for a way to replace Jim Cooper.
One of our members brought up a way we can help now. There is a huge need to have people be pole watchers. Here is a link to the site where we can learn how to help:
Here are some of the other sites mentioned in the meeting:
As always, we are looking for content on this site. Send us your thoughts!
If you are new to the site: We are a non-partisan group of people interested in Fiscal Conservatism and Responsibility from ALL of our elected officials.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Possible Republic Saver in Massachusetts
It appears that the Progressives have overplayed thier hand, and even the People's Republic of Massachusetts is sickened and standing up against the ham-handed tactics of bribe and cheat and muscle ala Chicago to further at any cost thier Socialist agenda.
If Brown wins in liberal Massachusetts, the spineless Congressional minions of Pelosi and Reid will clearly see the handwriting on the wall and bail out of Obamacare and Cap and Tax. Could Massachusetts really be in a position to save the Republic? Scary but true!
Even at this late date, consider a few bucks pledge to Brown's campaign. Google PajamasMedia to get the link to help, please.
Pray for the Republic,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
How well are you represented?
I was inspired to consider the possibility that the “Greatest Generation” is, ironically, once again needed to SAVE THE REPUBLIC! Please consider being a force in our movement to rid the congress of the mindlessly Socialist Congressmen and co-conspirators in the Obama-Pelosi-Reid attempt to reduce us normal Americans to a “receiver” class. EVERYTHING the administration is doing strengthens big Gov’t, weakens private business, redistributes income, and increases taxes on the PRODUCING American, while crippling the country with Carbon emission controls in a “sky is falling” hysteria generated by cheating scientists on fat Grants. By the way, Mr. Obama’s new Socialist health bill kicks the “Greatest Generation” in the teeth..but has no plan to repair the damage. Do not expect to get a total hip if you are over a certain age, crutches are cheap!!
The Greatest Generation saved the world from Hitler and Mussolini’s “Axis” Fascism. The current leadership in The White House is shamelessly, openly, stacked with Socialist, Statist, Progressive activists, TOP TO BOTTOM. This is Liberal Fascism, and the Socialist-Democrats in Congress are mindlessly doing their bidding, while the MAINSTREAM MEDIA LOOKS THE OTHER WAY. Either they realize what the administration is doing, and agree, or they are being “useful idiots” ! Either way we must replace them or our Republic, as we know it, will cease to exist.
Is this material for a Sunday School class discussion? I should think so! Remember it was Obama who told the Muslims in the middle East that we were not a Christian Nation! It is the American Civil Liberties Union, an Obama loving bunch if there ever was one, who show up to threaten lawsuit every time someone mentions Christianity, or even God, in Public policy, but not to protest taxpayer installed foot washer stations for Muslims on college campuses!
Please go to this on the top bar of your computer), and you will see what I hope for.
“Seeds of Freedom” is open to any person to join. There is no charge to be a member, but we hope to spread the Fiscally conservative word. Open the site and you will see what I mean. We are not a PAC devoted to getting one certain candidate elected, and we are neither Democrat or GOP, we are just DISGUSTED by the way we have been ignored by the current Congress. will get into our very young website. We are funded by members who have made donations, we want your PASSION, not your money! We intend to make a difference before it’s too late, starting with the 2010 elections.
Have a blessed and hopeful day
Dr, Dutton
Check out these sites to find out how your representatives are voting:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Cost of Medicine... Is it really Inflation?
I have had the privilege of practicing Medicine since 1971, before that, I was a "Resident" in at first Pathology, and then Urology for 6 years.
When I started my practice in 1971, medicines were $10-$20 at the Pharmacy, and an office visit was a similar cost. A vasectomy was $150. Not so today, but....
If you were unlucky enough to have advanced cancer of the testicle, with few exceptions, you just died. The same for Lymphomas, and Leukemia. Prostate cancer was rarely diagnosed at a curable stage; kidney cancer was likewise, often advanced when diagnosed, and incurable. If you had a kidney stone, you were likely going to be cut wide open, and miss 6 weeks of work(pay). Prostate cancer surgery, when feasible meant 6-12 weeks of convalescence.
There were few cancer blood tests, no CT scanners, no high tech minimally invasive procedures to cure you with minimal pain, and get you back to work(pay)in a short time. Kidney stones could not be lasered, blasted or manipulated with little or no morbidity.
There is essentially nothing that I do today to treat or care for my patient that I do the way it was done in 1971. Technology and knowledge in Medicine is proceeding at warp speed as this is written. If my wife continues to refuse to cook LUNCH for me, and my vigor continues, I am sure that the care I give 10 years from now will be enormously advanced over that today. That is, unless the travesty of Obama-care blows us back into the dark ages, as it will do as it is now conceived.
Research, fostered by that dirty capitalist term... PROFIT, will suffer, as will all of civilization, as Europe and the US slide into the gray abyss of Socialist meritocracy, as opposed to their forever enemy, Capitalist Meritocracy.
A loaf of bread is a loaf of bread! Do not let the mindless progressives get by with the complete mis-characterization of increased cost of the best product that Americans have: Medical Care.
Pray for the Republic
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Cash for Clunkers (postmortem)
A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year.
So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.
The Obama Administration claims 700,000 vehicles were purchased, so that's 224 million gallons saved per year.
That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.
5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.
More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars
So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.
We spent $8.57 for every dollar saved.
I can't wait until these geniuses get to work on our health care.
How about Obama's campaign promise to be a "full disclosure" administration? Did I just hear someone scream LIAR?
Obama's Failed Openness Pledge:
Monday, January 4, 2010
Obama Trifecta of Firsts.
This says an awful lot about the man in the White House.
President Obama just completed the UNHOLY and ANTI-AMERICAN TRIFECTA:
1st president in 110 years to miss the annual Army-Navy Football Game.
1st president to not attend any Christmas religious observance.
1st president to stay on vacation after a terrorist attack.
40 most obnoxious quotes of 2009 from John Hawkins:
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Kim and A-jhad Pee down BO's leg
Kim graciously mouthed a conciliatory word or two in late December that must have given BO an erection, a fist pump, and a YESSS. He KNEW he could break this nuclear thing open with his golden tonsils and charisma! Oh, and a few gazilllion of our grandchildren's tax dollars.(Borrowed from China..ain't that a hoot!)
When the smoke clears, BO and we the people will have been HAD once more. Look at the bright side, maybe the issue will get Jimmy Carter's pathetic ass out of the country for a while.
Now the situation with A-jhad is a little different. He doesn't want our filthy Satanic dollars, he just wants to KILL us all! BO's conciliatory posture toward Iran is astounding, did you note how well he has encouraged the populist uprising? The one BEST way to solve the Iran "problem". You did'nt...neither did I!
Get ready to watch the guys who invented Chess(I think, could be wrong here) stall artfully with a minor concession or two and an massage to BO's ego. They may even get BO to give them some of our grandchildern's money before it's over.
I hope Israel still has the stones to do what must be done.
2010 will be very exciting, get ready to help!
Pray for the Republic
Happy New Year